blue eyes

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Blackhat quickly took his hand of flugs bag head thingy (???) And for a moment the both just kinda, stared at eachother.

"Well that was awkward" flug thought, quickly turning his head to the opened chamber door.




"Oh come on! The chamber door is open! I thought I closed it?!"

Flug quickly rushed over to the door trying to close it.

"Curse this heavy door!" the docter thought to himself, finally managing to close it before to much of the gas spread to himself and the lab.

When he finaly managed to close it he let out a sigh of relief. But, something felt... Off. Like there was a cold breeze travling through the lab.

Then he realized.

The gas had started melting through his mask!

Of cource, the boss was no help. He just stood there with a stupid look on his face. To be honest, it almost looked like he was blushing slightly. Almost.

But back to the whole gas situation.

The gas had melted through his goggles, revealing his bright blue eyes, and started melting through the top of his bag, starting to show some of his fluffy brown hair.
Flug immediately used his hands to cover up the now growing spots, and booked it back to his room.

He never ran so fast in his life! When he finaly made it into his room his bag was completely ruined.
Thank whatever deity he belived in that dementia and 505 were on a mission!

He quickly rummaged around his room trying to find another paper bag to use.

After finaly finding one he put it on.

Then he remembered he left his boss in the lab!

"Goddamn it! I just wanted one day to go right!" He said to himself running back to the lab.

As he ran back into lab he tried to prepare himself for the amount yelling he was going to get.

"B-boss?" He said nervesly expected to see blackhat someware in the lab.
But, to his surprise, he didn't. Instead he saw a note on his desk.
The note simply said "Nice eyes."

A/N - Thank you Cassiethegamer123 for all the help giving me ideas for this chapter! Hope everyone enjoyed, and have a lovely day:)

Words - 376

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