Chapter. 3 Horrortale

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Dust POV

I still felt guilty about leaving them. I knew how Nightmare could get. I started to zone out when I heard Nightmare's footsteps. I looked to the dungeon doors, surprisingly he had nothing on him. No blood or dust.

"Murder, you have another task. I need you to find the Sans in this AU, okay?" Nightmare turned to look at me. I pulled my hood up more.

"Y-yeah... I got it." I spoke nervously. I didn't wanna make him mad.

"Then I'll send you there tomorrow. 6 AM sharp. Now go get some rest." Nightmare gave a small smile to me. It made me feel comfortable. Safe, you could say.

"And I know you still want to talk to our... Guests. You can do that after you pick up that Sans." He tried to sound calm, but it was obvious he was annoyed.

"Thanks boss." I said quickly before going upstairs to my room. When I opened the door, the room was actually cleaned. Sure, it was small but it felt nice.

Tem skip

".xıs ʇsoɯ|ɐ s'ʇı .ssɐ ʎzɐ| noʎ dn əʞɐʍ ,ɹəɥʇoɹq" Papyrus said to me. I groaned and woke up.

"Ugh... What time is it anyways?" It sounded like I was talking to myself, except I was talking to Papyrus.

".ʎρɐəɹ ʇəɓ oʇ səʇnʋıɯ ʋəəʇɟıɟ əʌɐɥ noʎ .əʌıɟ-ʎʇɹnoɟ əʌıɟ" He said in an annoyed voice.

"You could've woke me up sooner." I got out of bed and put my clothes on.

"..ʇəʎ ρɐəρ ʇoʋ əɹ'noʎ ʍoɥ ɹəρʋoʍ ı zəəɓ ?dn noʎ əʞɐʍ ʇ'ʋoρ ı ɹəɟəɹd noʎ ρ|noʍ"

"Zip it, Papyrus." I gave him a glare, but he already left.

After I got my clothes on I went downstairs. The halls creeked and faint chattering came from the dungeon.

"Go feed them Murder. I have important things to do." Nightmare said before leaving.

I groaned and went down with a plate of food.

It was quiet again. Whatever though.

".sɹəρɹo s'ʎnɓ ʇɐɥʇ ɓʋıʍo||oɟ ||ıʇs əɹ'noʎ əʌəı|əq ʇ'ʋɐɔ ||ıʇs ı"

"Shut up Papyrus. I'm tired." I continued walking until I got to their cell. They were already awake, and obviously pissed.

"Why are you listening to Nightmare? He's just gonna betray you." The one in blue said.

"I don't care. I just want out of this alive. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll escape." I handed them a plate of food.

Papyrus appeared again.

"!dxə əəɹɟ s'ʇı ɹəɥʇoɹq ʋoɯ'ɔ ,ɯəɥʇ ||ıʞ ʇsnɾ"

"I'm not gonna kill them, Papyrus. Boss probably has a plan." I looked at Papyrus. The trio looked at me in confusion.

"?ɯəɥʇ oʇ ʇı oρ ʇoʋ ʎɥʍ ,əɯ oʇ ʇı ρıρ noʎ"

"Papyrus, it doesn't matter. Just be glad I killed you last. Plus it was for a good cause... I think." I shut the cells door and looked at Papyrus.

".ρəʇɔɐəɹɹəʌo noʎ .ʇı ɥʇıʍ ʇ|ɐəρ əʌ'ρ|noɔ əʍ ?ʋɐɯnɥ ɐ ɓʋıddoʇs .ʇıɥs sɐʍ ʋosɐəɹ əɹ'noʎ"

"It was a good reason! You couldn't have dealt with it." I wanted to slap Papyrus, then remembered he was a ghost, and that the people in the cell were watching.

"Who are you talking to?" One of them asked.

I clenched my fists, trying to calm down.

"None of your business." I grit my teeth a little then left, leaving them alone.

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