Only Love

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"So-orry." A drunk, unbalanced bear collided with me, spilling his liquor on my dress.

"Watch where you're going, damnit!" I shouted, barely audible above the blaring music. Porsha placed her paw on my arm, but I shook her off. I didn't want to be at the club, and I certainly didn't want to be calm.

The grizzly flashed me a droopy, million-dollar smile and leaned against the bar. "Can I buy you a drink? To make up for the dress?" I opened my mouth to object, but before I could say anything, he added, "I promise I'll make it worth your while." He slid forward until his snout was inches from mine, still grinning like he'd just won the lottery. His breath reeked of beer, mingling with the distinct odor of unwashed fur.

"Absolutely n-" I began, but Porsha stepped forward, cutting me off.

"Get away from my girlfriend!" Porsha cried, positioning herself between the bear and I. His eyes widened, and he stepped back, lifting his hands in surrender.

"Miss P-porsha Crystal! So, so sorry! It won't happen again!" With that, he turned and fled, disappearing into the crowd.

"I could've handled that," I said, scowling at Porsha.

"I know," she replied, flashing a sweet smile. "But with that tight, black dress, you'll need my celebrity influence." Porsha trailed her paw up my arm, sending shivers down my spine. She inched closer, still smiling, and I leaned forward.

"I like where this is going," I murmured, as her breath tickled my snout.

"Karaoke!" Porsha squealed, making me jump. She bolted away, easily navigating the crowd.

"Porsha? Porsha!" I called. I noticed the bear eyeing me again, and I hurried after Porsha.

Beneath me, the floor glowed, and rainbow lights obscured my vision. On all sides, animals danced and swayed, knocking me back and forth.

I glanced around frantically and spotted a neon sign, flashing the word "KARAOKE." I shouldered through the crowd, earning glares and grunts from a few dancers. Where was Porsha?

I emerged from the throng and stopped before a small table. Someone had scribbled "SIGN-UP FOR KARAOKE!" on the tablecloth, and a clipboard lay beneath the writing.

Porsha was nowhere to be seen. I groaned and called her name again, met only with blasting music and unintelligible shouts. Time for Plan B.

I approached a short, wiry lioness and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, have you seen-"

"Hey, girl! You look ho-o-ot," she slurred, winking and waving her arms.

"Uh... thanks. You too?" I tried, offering a half-hearted smile.

"Yes! C'mon, girl, let's dance!" She grabbed my paw, pulling me toward her, and I yelped, startled.

"Have you seen a tall, gray arctic wolf? Wearing a tight, hot-pink dress?" I asked, making no effort to dance.

"Oh, yes! She was ho-o-ot!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Where did she go?"

"Mm, to the bar, maybe?" She shrugged and turned away, dancing with another lioness.

I hurried toward the bar without bothering to thank her. Halfway there, I slipped in a puddle of something - wine? beer? - and crashed to the ground. My snout collided with the floor, and tears stung my eyes. Cursing, I dragged myself to a bar stool and heaved myself up.

I scanned the counter and spotted Porsha, chatting gleefully with the bartender.

"Porsha!" I shouted, and she turned, eyes wide. She scurried toward me, concern etched into her face.

"Wow. You look... wow." I caught my reflection in the window - disheveled fur, bloody nose, stained dress - and grimaced.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Sorry that I ran off," Porsha mumbled, staring at her shoes. "It's just, well, it seemed like we were about to kiss, and we've never kissed in public before, and I just, well, I got nervous, and I know it's not an excuse, but-" I placed my paw on her shoulder, any trace of anger fading.

"Hey, it's okay." She glanced up, a tentative smile playing at her lips.


"Yeah. Now how about a drink?" She nodded, and we turned to the bartender. "Two tequila sunrises, please."

"My favorite," Porsha remarked, as the bartender handed us our drinks. "I know that you didn't want to come, but we're here, and we might as well dance. Right?"

"Yeah, yeah, alright," I conceded, following Porsha to the dance floor. The disco ball painted patterns on her face, and we began swaying to the music. "So, about that karaoke-"

"No, absolutely not," I said firmly. At that moment, an alligator clambered onto the stage.

"Hello-o-o, Redshore City!" The microphone amplified his voice, and the club cheered. "To kick off karaoke night, please welcome to the stage... Porsha Crystal and Amy Withers!"

"So, I might've already signed us up, and-" Porsha was interrupted by another round of clapping and hollering.

The alligator gestured for Porsha to come forward, and she shrugged apologetically. I opened my mouth, closed it, opened it again, and resigned to follow her. Porsha hopped onto stage and twirled as the dancers whooped. I tried and failed to hide in her shadow, receiving my own round of applause.

The alligator handed microphones to Porsha and I, wishing us luck. "You've got this," Porsha said, patting my shoulder. I took a deep breath, and the music began.

"I wanna be your slave," Porsha sang, her sweet, clear voice filling the club.

"I wanna be your master," I joined, my voice shaking slightly.

"I wanna make your heart beat run like rollercoasters!"

"I wanna be a good boy."

"I wanna be a gangster!"

"'Cause you can be the beauty, and I could be the monster!" I surrendered to the music, and the crowd began a frenzied dance, singing along during a few verses. Porsha and I bopped, shaking and twirling and twisting to the rhythm, alternating between lines. When we finished singing, our faces were inches apart, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Her gasps tickled my snout, and I had a flash of déjà vu.

"Do you like where this is going?" I asked, careful not to speak into the microphone.

"I do," she said and closed the gap between us. Our snouts met in a passionate kiss, and electricity surged through my blood. The crowd gasped, pointed, roared, whooped - we didn't care. We kissed until our lungs screamed for air, and when we broke apart, there was no regret in her eyes. Only love.

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