Tick Tock Of A Shared Heart⏰

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(Double Life SMP, Bdubs POV)

Bdubs rushed into the hoard of pillagers, trampling feet and the sound of snapping strings. He soared above them, cutting with long arching blows. A sharp nick on his cheek made him tense and grit his teeth.

"There's too many!" A loud warm voice yelled. Even though he knew they were right, he couldn't stop. Burning pain and cuts on his sides barely slowed him down. That was until a arrow sliced right into his chest. Was this already his end? What it already done? In a foolish attempt to beat the unbeatable?

Large arms grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him up. The pain eased slightly as the person wrapped bandages across his chest and arms. He couldn't help but feel at ease, past memories that weren't his, the same caring touch of a loyal friend.

"Bdubs, Bdubs! You there?" A warm voiced called to him. Luring him to open his bruised eyes.

"I-Impulse?" Bdubs was a little shocked. But relieved that his friend pulled him out of his idiotic attempt at a fight.

"Hey Bdubs. Glad you snapped back cause we gotta go farther, there's still too many pillagers. It's not safe here." Impulse said with a small smile.

With a nod he pushed himself up, grabbed a pouch, and started getting away. Scar was also right here with them though he looked more ecstatic than frightened. Little jokes only he could hear making him giggle.

The three rushed across hills into the birch trees, but the stomping feet continued behind. Just as he turned around a arrow flew through the air and landed directly in Impulse's shoulder. Bdubs barely heard him wince as he felt a stabbing pain, coming out of nowhere.

Could it be? No. Bdubs shook his head and continued forward.

As soon as the sound of an angry mob stopped he rolled onto the soft grass. Leaves fluttering up as he landed. Safety. A large cliff with a vast river was just in front of them. The water looked deep enough he could drown in, it's deep blue hue calling him to its stoney floor.

With few choices they all agreed to scale down the cliff and cross. No pillagers could follow them to the other side, and it could let them clean off.

Scar went first with a laugh as he climbed down. Impulse was much more careful, slow easy steps down and checking each ledge to make sure they were steady. Now it was his turn. Fear bubbled up in his chest. A late sunset, a cliff down to a pool, the shattering of a golden gift, yelling of the betrayed.

Pushing it away with a grumble Bdubs stumbled after Impulse, following the same path. Though it took him a bit longer as the taller guy had chosen a few trickier to reach ledges.

"Just jump Bdubs! Your close enough!" Impulse yelled to him, his voice echoing through the canyon. The same voice but filled with saddened anger as the explosions crashed all around. Stop.

"Haha." He chuckled loud enough for Impulse to hear but carefully cling to each ledge before finally getting to the bottom. Both Scar and Impulse had already gotten across the river and were cooking food. Hesitant. The swirling water just waiting to swallow him whole and drag him to its deeps.

"No. I'm strong. I'm strong." Bdubs whispered to himself as he dived into the river. It was so cold. Pulling at his clothes, washing over his face, slicing into every cut he had gained. With a force he plunged up and swam across in a sloppy but swift paddle. He felt like a wet dog pulling himself form the river but the relief of being on the other side was like a breath of fresh air.

Impulse gave him a small laugh before going back to the food. He probably looked so weak. Like a helpless puppy.

Even though every muscle in his body told him to lay down Bdubs couldn't. In a surge he shook out his hair and started lighting up the place around, a small cave just beside them.

Just as he turned around a skeleton rattled its way form the darkness and shot an arrow made of jagged flint, ancient just as its body was.

Pain. Pain is all he felt as it struck him square in the back. Yet two voices cried out in pain. So clear as it echoed back to his ears.

"Bdubs! Ow, Bdubs!" Impulse said in a frightened voice. But Bdubs was too busy cutting through his attacker to call back.

The muscular guy rushed beside him and in a bone shattering cut destroyed the skeleton. Quickly he tossed down his blade and grabbed Bdubs, holding him in a strong but soft hold. His brown eyes so rounded with worry he couldn't help but catch his breath.

"Bdubs where did you get hurt?" Impulse rushed out as he examined his arms and face.

"In the back. Why? I'm fine if that's what your asking for!" Sharply he said back, pulling his face and arms from Impulse. That was a bit mean wasn't it?

"I felt that Bdubs! I felt the pain stab into my back."

All the air rushed from Bdubs as he faced the hunched down Impulse. Too many emotions rushing to his mind. Logic tried to take over. No way they'd be soulmates. Impulse was so smart and kind, always helping out and giving to others. He was brash and stubborn, stupid to his own fault but not able to let down his pride to show that he knew.

"No it was probably just that drowned. In no universe are we soulmates." Bdubs said rashly as he turned away. Yet the sparkle in Impulse's eyes made him reconsider.

In a swift moment Impulse pinched his arm tightly. A sharp pain in his own arm flared up with no explanation.

"Did you feel it?" He said in a whispery hope, face all pink and joy bursting from his smile.

"We're soulmates. We're soulmates!" Bdubs said in a happy glee. Joy washing over him as Impulse hugged him. A bond sealed by fate itself formed in his mind, loyalty for his partner blazing his heart.

Scar finally tumbled over with a curious look in his eyes at the two.

"What happened? Why're we hugging?" Scar said with a raised brow as he jumped down beside Impulse.

"We're soulmates!" Bdubs said with a grin as he held Impulse's hand. Scar took it in and immediately got excited.

"Congratulations guys! Oooooh are you two the first found soulmates?!" He said with a curiosity. Intrigue behind his fidgeting hands. Before he could stop the elven man Scar flicked him right on the nose. Both him and Impulse shrunk back and rubbed their noses.

"So cool!" Scar whispered to himself.

But their interest was drawn away as a wooden boat steered down the river. Grian leaped from the back onto shore and shook himself off, bright feathers launching water into the air. While Etho got closer to the three.

With just a nod Bdubs knew what Etho was asking about. A long old bond between the two of a past snowy castle and trusting friendship that stayed.

"Etho! Me and Impulse are soulmates!" Bdubs giggled out, searching his friends eyes for any sign of emotion.

"Hm. Is it a good partnership?" The masked man said with a slight tilt towards Bdubs. Though the same question burned his mind he couldn't help but feel to was true.

"Yes. I can feel it Etho. It's good."

"We'll then. Congrats you two!" A small wrinkle of his eyes showed his smiling face but it was more than enough. Gleefully Bdubs hugged Impulse tightly and just as her wished large arms wrapped around him and held him close. Bound by hearts their fate was true. Though not all are, the love between the past betrayed is one of purity and trust.

As he pulled away he saw Grian looking wide eyed at the water where a ditzy Scar was, flapping his hands up in and attempt to sway the Allay to his side.

Oh this was going to be fun. Bdubs went up to Grian and smacked his arm. And just as her found his one with a yell of pain they had as well. Though something told him that this wasn't as strong of a love as he was going to have.

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