Captain Joseph🌊

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(Empires SMP Season 2, Joey's POV)

All he felt was the splitting pain of crashing through stormy waves. The bony face of his enemy was all he thought he'd see before his gruesome death on the sandy floor. But he was wrong.

Just as the last bit of oxygen escaped his lungs and he accepted this was to be his end a shadowed figure sped towards him and with a blurry grasp saved his life. No matter how much he wished he could thank his savior he woke all alone on a hot shore. His red threaded coat and captains hat gone leaving him defenseless.

Instead of laying there to give up after losing everything Joey picked himself up and started off on a new voyage to find the home he wished to start fresh on. Yet it wasn't a wonderful journey.

Dark nights as he crashed through thick jungles, chilly evenings sailing the seas, and the sudden loneliness eating him up. Where he once had a bustling crew and kind co-captain he was now all alone. No joyous shanties singing as his great ship sailed, no warm dinners where they'd all joke and tell tales, no trusting eyes letting him know he had a true crew who'd follow him to his end. Where he once was so lucky he was now harrowed. What is a captain if he lost his crew?

It was the fifth day of his exploring. The saddened memories of a past life filling his eyes with hot tears and the seas salty spray sticking to his skin. Hunger ate at his stomach with each row yet he was thankful for it. As a hungry stomach reminded him he was still alive, and a increasingly vengeful pirate.

An odd twisting forest so overgrown he couldn't see past it's veil of vines shot into his view. He looked to the waters and saw as they shifted from the deep blue to a murky green. With a new curiosity the pirate decided it was time to dock his small rowboat and check out this dense marsh.

Many odd lime green seeds hung from the trees and the familiarity of them tickled his mind. He swore he'd seen one before, but where?

Then it came to Joey. The book his co-captain had shown him filled with pages and pages of foliage and plants from all across the great globe. He'd never read it himself as he wasn't the best at it and the many scribbles always seemed to blur into inky lines he couldn't read so one of his crew would read him it and show him the images.

Hooked onto the seed the pirate turned it in his hand, holding it to the sky as of to ask the birds to identify it for him.

"Ah! I Remember now! It's a Poparagule. Yeah, I think that's how they said it" the sea minded man said with a new pip in his step. As he went to pop the seed into the mud sucking at his feet a bright white thing leaped in front of him.

"Woah!" Joey yelped in surprise at the rather large toad in front of him, it's oddly light slime sparkly. Like a diamond. Treasure!

In a glee he raced after the great hopper not even noticing the distance he'd gotten from the entrance to the mushy woods. He watched its great legs leap in huge bound. Not even noticing the branch right at his height.

"Ouch. Dear swirly seas that hurt." Joey rubbed the bump now on his head with crusty hands. The pain like a sudden heatstroke stabbing his head. Then he finally realized.

"Oh ships. I'm lost aren't I?" Looking around with round jade eyes he finally realized he was trapped in the forest. And the heavy hunger that pained his stomach was now a ravenous flame burning his insides.

"Joey you mindless minnow! I'm lost, hungry, and in pain. Why'd that thing even save me if I was just going to starve because of my own stupidity!!" The pirate growled at himself as he rubbed his eyes with dirty palms, mud streaking his face and leaves stuck all in his messy hair.

What have I become? No wonder my crew was lost, no wonder I died. What's even the point of I'm just going to curl up like a beaten seadog!

Anger furrowed his brow and tears fell down Joey's face as he wrapped his arms around himself. The pathetic hug only making himself sadder. He missed his ship. He missed his coat. He missed his feasts, his crew, his life, his voyages. He missed plundering evil outposts and helping those weaker than himself. He missed his life. What's a captain without his heart?

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