Dear Diary... I Don't Know What's Going On.

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Date: the 22nd-23rd of Amari, during the 525th E Rima Tau

    THE FIVE SUNS BEAMED through the large glass windows of my classroom as I paced the width of the room back and forth, looking through each piece of paper that my class of forty-six students handed in. My eyes scanned the papers for any errors, and if I spotted them, I would have marked them incorrect with a quill and some scarlet ink.

    I groaned as I rested my forehead in my free hand, pushing any hair I had out of the way. I knew my tiredness would have gotten in the way at some point in the ra. "Just... five more assignments to grade, and then I head to the castle. Fantastic, like I wanted King Bowser to literally exhaust every last bit of energy I had out of me..."

    I heard a knock on the door from across the room as I pivoted on my heel, getting ready to walk towards the direction the sound came from. As soon as I opened the door, a Koopaling with blonde, red, and blue hair and two orange stripes on each side of his face appeared in my eyesight. Though, I had to look down to talk to him properly.

    "What a rather unpleasant surprise," I stated.

    "You sure don't seem too happy," he chimed, having to stand on the points of his claws to be at an uncomfortable eye-level with me. The clumsy oaf had fallen over when it was too late to realize his mistake.

    "Y-You okay...?" I chuckled a bit, helping him up.

    The small lad dusted himself off. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. Are you almost ready to head to the castle?"

    I nodded my head a bit as my eyelids lowered. "I'm almost ready, I just need to finish grading five assignments, and then we'll be on our way."

    "Give me those and an answer booklet, I can finish these fast enough for you," Lemmy proclaimed, snatching the papers out of my hands.

    "Hey!" I growled, looking downward. "You spilled the red ink all over my robe, you klutzy idiot!"


    "Now I have to get another jar of red ink at the marketplace," I bellowed. "That shit's expensive, you know."

    The clumsy Koopaling scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I've seen your receipts for little jars of ink before, it's no surprise."

    My lower eyelids raised themselves and twitched a bit before I took a deep breath. "I'll be in the wagon if you need me."

    And with that, I strolled off.

    A few minutes later, Lemmy hopped into the wagon, already feeling cramped from the two other guards. "Finished?" I grinned, trying my best to hide my anger.

    "Yep! And within fifteen minutes, too," he chirped.

    I almost lost it with Lemmy. He finished my job of grading assignments, and faster than me, too? Something that would have taken me three hours, at the least?

    "You know, I didn't fucking ask for you to finish my job!" I retorted to him, getting up from a seated position.

    The multicolor-haired Koopaling looked at me, eyes widened. I don't think he knew that I, by accident, pushed away his efforts in attempting to help.

    Realizing what I did, I sat back down, and my whole demeanor changed. I apologized multiple times to Lemmy. "I'm incredibly sorry for pushing you away. I'm miserable and I've been on my feet for nearly ten hours, but that was no reason to snap at you like that. Plus, I've been masking my autistic traits for Odin knows how long. Again, no reason to snap."

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