A Demonic Beauty

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The summit of meeting between the various monsters and the birth of the Jura Tempest Federation had been finalized. All was good and well, or at least, it seemed that way.

{Notice. A non-malicious presence has been observing master since the fight with the Orc Disaster Geld.}


Great Sage had just given a baffling and somewhat nerve-wracking report. It'd stated that somebody or something had been watching me from the shadows. Great Sage had told me whatever was observing me lacked malicious intent, but that doesn't mean it'd stay that way.

So I figured the best course of action would be to go somewhere, where nobody was around, that just so happened to be the empty marshlands where I had devoured Geld.

"Come on out! I'm aware you're here!"

'I  hope whoever it is that's following me doesn't give me any further issues! I just want to relax already.'

I couldn't help but complain, I just finished a war for god's sake!

Just as I was starting my mental tangent, a voice spoke up. 

"You noticed me?"

The voice sounded soft and gentle, cute even. I spun to the side, now within my view was a young beauty.

The beauty was enough that it almost slipped past the fact that this person wasn't human. 

"You, just why have you been stalking me?"

I had to get it out and fresh so she didn't have time to make her own excuse. What I said seemed to have thrown her off track as she flinched at my words.

"S-stalking? I wasn't stalking"

She said, trying to defend herself but instead, her tone and look of shock only incriminated her more.

"I was watching you because...I wanted to join. It looks fun, there are so many interesting monsters, and I wanted to be a part of it."


It actually makes me feel a bit bad about confronting her like that, such words aren't good for my heart you know? If that was all she wanted, and it seemed genuine, then who was I to deny her so cruelly? I'm not heartless enough to reject a girl's heartfelt desire in an unfashionable manner, nay, I'm a gentleman after all, or at least I'd like to think so.

"Is that really all?"

The girl looked at me and nodded fervently.

"Yes, it'd be my absolute pleasure to be your subordinate Rimuru-Sama!"

She said with absolute confidence in her voice.

"Good, then with that settled, how about I name you, or perhaps, do you already have a name?"

The girl immediately shook her head quickly.

"No! I'm but a mere nameless demon, b-but for you to offer a name...that'd be the greatest joy I could ever be granted."

She said with a wild blush and a small cutesy smile.

Honestly such actions and words made it impossible for me to view her as a demon and yet that was the reality presented to me.

{Notice. The entity before you is a Greater Demon with a magicule capacity of a similar value to that of the individual Benimaru.}

Ah so not only was she of the demon race but apparently she was a strong one...


Did Great Sage say that right? Was she really already as strong as the current Benimaru? And here she was calling herself a mere demon? I think she's underselling herself a little bit too much. But, I did say I'd name her, so I guess I could do so still.

"Is that so? Then from today forward, you shall be known as Roma."

Named after the Ferrari Roma, her natural beauty and smooth voice were somewhat reminiscent of the luxury supercar.

A demonic aura sprouted from her immediately as her energy rapidly increased to an incredible degree. I myself was shocked at the instant change in value, and the loss of magicules.

'Her naming had to have at least taken around 45% of my total magicules!'

Seriously, and not only that, but it looked like her evolution was nigh-instantaneous.

{Notice. While individual Roma has been granted a sufficient level of magicules to materialize, it's advised to grant a physical medium that will allow her to incarnate properly.}


Apparently, by the Great Sage's words, it had advised me to find a physical medium for Roma.

'I see.'

"Mrs. Roma, would a magisteel body be fine as a physical medium for you."

"I-If it's fine, I have materials with me that you could use if you wish."

Roma had pulled out a good few chunks of metal that I couldn't quite recognize...wait, where did she get the metal from?

{Notice. The individual Roma used a skill of a similar nature to Gluttony's [Stomach]. As for the metal, the ingots seem to be a type of magical steel known as [Demonite] a rare metal filled with highly condensed magicules.}

From what the Great Sage said, the metal used was of a far higher quality than magisteel, and by infusing gold and silver into it, even greater results could be achieved. I myself possessed quite a bit of different ore from Veldora's cave. So naturally, gold and silver, which were actually quite abundant in this world, came easily. 

So I promptly had  Great Sage utilize the three metals within my stomach to create a doll capable of incarnating Roma entirely.

The result was a beautiful dark crimson doll which left the girl in a state of euphoria. She looked at me and then back to the doll before quickly possessing it.

The result was a beautiful maiden with a doll-like body to boot. Some of her looks had changed during the process of possession. Her once charcoal black hair was now more akin to the smoothness of obsidian. Her lips were soft and her cheeks were a rosy shade of red, whereas the contradicting darkness of her sclera and golden irises/pupils truly stood out wonderfully. Somehow, even the other aspects like the extra set of eyes and her metallic tail had their own charm. Perhaps these looks of abstract beauty were the definition of the so called alien-beauty. A realm where horror and beauty intertwine.

'Nonetheless, Her nearly black crimson body was truly a work of art when in tandem with her face.'

To top it all off, Roma had materialized her own set of clothes which consisted of black shorts, a silk white shirt, and a black overcoat. The clothing itself had already exceeded Rare value and achieved the Unique Level, something I found to be entirely absurd once Great Sage pointed it out.

"From here forth, my utmost gratitude and loyalty is yours till the end of time Lord Rimuru! I swear by the wonderous name you've bestowed upon me!"

Roma had stated with an expression of happiness.

'It seems I've once again gained an incredible ally'

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