A Burning Desire

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"how does this look?"

Roma asked me while handing over a bunch of blue prints.

It's been a little over 2 weeks since she arrived to our town and so far she's been nothing but a big help. 

I'd been looking to give her a position but she herself actually proposed to work alongside Kaijin, Kurobee, and Geld. I thought that'd have been a little too much for her but she reassured me that it'd be fine explaining that her unique skill was perfect for the task.

Her unique skill was called Master Craftsman and the following effects were as follows...

- []Spatial Storage[]: A sub-dimension that can store items.
- []Parallel Processing[]The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of  Hasten Thought.
- []Omni-Analysis[]: The ability to analyze anything the user comes into contact with.
- []All of Creation[]The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred. In other words, the user needs to see it (the phenomenon) at least once.
- []Mineral Manipulation[]: The user has control over all types of minerals.
- []Apply Effect[]: The ability to apply various effects that can be overlapped.

- []Hasten Thought[]: The ability to raise thought processing speed by a thousand times

Honestly, it was a terrifyingly good skill that essentially allowed her to mass produce magical weapons and even replicate other magical weapons like it was nothing. It was unknown what kind of effects she could apply, but any affect it did produce was probably something to be wary of.

Not only that, but she herself was naturally really adept at architecture. With such a skillset, I had no choice but to put my trust in her capabilities.

Thanks to her working in tandem with Geld, I can also be assured that we'll always be on schedule even if one of them needs to go on break, and thankfully, the two seemed to have gotten along pretty well so for now I think I can leave Roma to her own devices.


Ever since I came to this town I've felt nothing but excitement. I didn't enjoy the constant fighting of the demon world, the bloodshed just wasn't for me, so I escaped, I took the first chance at a summoning and forced my way through to the material world, it was hard but I quickly began stealing bodies in order to prolong my stay as long as possible. 

And as I did so, I saw it, the monster town. There were hundreds, nay, thousands of monsters all of which whom lived in peace alongside each other. Seeing this, I'd felt an emotion I don't think I've ever truly felt before...envy

I envied them so greatly, I envied the fact that they could all be so happy, that they could fulfill lives with smiles on their faces. I envied the friendships that bloomed between them all, I wanted it, I desired it, all I had back in the demon world was subordinates, I loved them too, but even then, they were just subordinates, it wasn't possible to tell if they truly liked me or not and for that my envy grew even more.

So when I saw that sl- no, when I saw Rimuru-Sama, that adorable and graceful Rimuru-Sama who extended his love and compassion to all, I desired it, my envy still lingered, but my desires overwhelmed that envy and began to burst. I wanted above all else to be with him, to be of use to him, to be accepted by him and so much more. I'd give everything I have, my subordinates, my skills, my weapons, my energy, everything. 

So when he named me, when he gave me a permanent body to incarnate into and make my own....ehehehe, I felt whole, it's as though that envy fizzled out, and yet now, even now, I still am bursting with desires, I want to be of even greater use, even if I need to take on every role in this town, even if I wear myself down, I'll do it, as long as it's for him I'll do anything.


"Today I come not as a king, But as an individual. Spare me the formalities, otherwise I would never be able to go out on a stroll-

Eh? Isn't this guy speaking too casually to Lord Rimuru? No, this is right, he's being way too informal even as a king no?

I think I need to teach this bastard a lesso-


"Roma, don't"

As I exchanged with King Gazel, I swore I could've heard Benimaru say something. When I peered over with Magic Perception I noticed that Roma looked ready to charge, I'll have to thank Benimaru for holding her off despite his own hot-headedness. 

But, that can wait

"Guess I should introduce myself, my name is Rimuru"

"I am in fact a slime, but I will have you stop looking down on me. Because even so, I am the master of the Great Alliance of The Jura Forest."

"Though, this isn't my true form, it should be easier to talk to right?"

Gazel seemed to have lightened up at that and I was hoping that maybe he might change his mind, but

"Oho...A human form, so you use a sword?"

"I'd wish you wouldn't be so wary of me though"

My hopes died as Gazel unsheathed the sword that once sat in the sheath on his waist. 

"I will judge that myself."

"You bastard!!!"

Hearing that both me and Gazel turned around to see Roma being held down by Benimaru and Shion. Her eyes looked crazed and she was trying to claw her way towards Gazel. I also noticed how Gazel's knights also all tensed up and prepared to unsheathe their own blades.

I had to make the right decision, I could apologize to Roma later for what I'm gonna do.

I gave a quick apology to Gazel before walking up to Roma who was still pinned down beneath Benimaru and Shion.

"I think you need to be timed out for a bit, I'm sorry."

"what, Lord Rim-

Before Roma could fully respond to my words I placed my hand against her head and sent her to my stomachs isolation. She disappeared before all our eyes.

I stood back up- "Don't worry, I didn't kill her, I simply sent her away until that little temper tantrum of hers fizzles out...now then, King Gazel, where were we?"

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