The Great Veldora

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"I think you need to be timed out for a bit, I'm sorry"

"What, Lord Rim-


Huh....Lord Rimuru, what happened.


"Master Veldora, it seems Roma has arrived."

"Who's there?" 

I tried to call out.

"Kua-hahahahahaha! Roma, you've come to us!"

'Now who is it!? I just wanna see Rimuru-Sama!!!'

"woah woah, not with that attitude, Kua-hahahaha! Now if you're asking who I am, then ask no further! for I am the great storm dragon Veldora Tempest!"

"V-Veldora? But you're supposed to be dead!"

I screamed out.

"And yet Master Veldora still lives."

This other voice, I'd turned to it and once more I felt shocked.

"Ifrit! But you were devoured by Lord Rimuru!"

"Actually, it was Master Veldora who saved me, most of my skills were obtained by Rimuru-Sama, but I myself was pulled into isolation by Master Veldora."

He explained to me, wait, what do I care, I need to leave!

"H-how do I get out, I need to leave!"

"You aren't escaping Roma, not unless Rimuru allows it, that little outburst of yours was pretty spectacular, Kua-hahahaha!"

Veldora-sama explained with another laugh, but what did he mean by that, does it mean I'm here forever.


As soon as I told Roma that she couldn't leave without Rimuru's permission, she feel onto her behind and began sobbing rather loudly. I shook my head

"Tsk tsk, Roma, you're fine, you just gotta stay here for a little bit, I'm sure you'll get back out."

I said carefully, I was rather thoughtful no? I know I am, despite what Ifrit said.

Roma still cried some more.

"Master Veldora, I don't think talking like that is really going to change her mood."

Ifrit told me, but what does he know, it's not like he's doing anything.

"Well then why don't you do something, huh!?"

I told him rightfully so, but surprisingly Ifrit did do something.

"I was pathetic for how I acted when with Shizue, but I refuse to be complacent in how I once was, so perhaps here I can show my emotional growth above all."

He stated rather coolly, hey hey, didn't he say that a little too coolly? 


That's right, I did some awful things back then, it makes sense that Shizue resented me.

When I got to Roma, I bent down and patted her head, I wasn't exactly sure how to comfort people all too well, but those ancient texts Veldora-sama showed me had some scenes where people who typically pat girls on the head when they were sad.

"Mrs. Roma, you are Rimuru-samas subordinate yes?"

Roma looked at me and nodded her head while wiping her tears off her cheeks.

"Well then you know Rimuru-sama is a kind-hearted and caring person, he wouldn't just lock you away forever because of one outburst, he was doing this for your sake too."

I explained calmly, Roma nodded her head once more and even smiled a little, it seems I did good.

"Kua-hahahaha, well aren't you just a smooth talker Ifrit!"

Master Veldora said, not really reading the mood.

"Now then, you two, come back here, I've found another game that all three of us could play together!"

Master Veldora said while pulling out a small box from his clothes.

"A game?"

Roma responded, I to was intrigued by this.

"Yes yes! A game, we'll be playing Black Jack!"

What kind of name i-

"That sounds fun"

Roma said somewhat excitedly. 

'Well whatever, the name doesn't matter, let's just do this.'

I thought as I and Roma approached Master Veldora.


"So Rimuru, where did that girl go exactly?"

Gazel asked me...oh shit

"Oh shit"

I muttered silently to myself, Gazel raised an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you forgot? You didn't, right?"

"I-I uhhh, no, I-

Gazel looked at me sternly.

"Haha, y'know I gotta go take care of something, I'll be right back!"

I said while getting up and running out of the room leaving everyone else to look on with confusion.

I went to the front of the building and quickly pointed my hand forward. 


was all I said as Roma's form reappeared before me. As she reappeared I noticed that she looked a little different. Not just that but she felt just a little different too.

"Is that a kimono you're wearing?"

I asked her to which Roma looked away just a little embarrassed. 

"Ahahahaha, well I'm glad you had fun! Truly, but, where did you get the idea to wear one?"

I questioned and to be honest, I didn't expect what she said.

"W-well, Veldora-sama and Ifrit-san were wearing them and Veldora-sama encouraged me to wear one as well, oh! and I also learned some games."

V-veldora taught her?

"What games did he teach you."

Seeing how that old man acted, probably some kids game from this wor-

"Black Jack and Poker"

"*cough* What!?"

I sputtered out loudly

"yup and he also taught me Roulette and charades too."

'That old man!'

I thought heatedly.

"Is that all?"

I asked, some hope still clinging on

"Yea, at some point we stopped playing games and instead he gave me this"

Roma said while pulling out a...was that a manga? Where did she get a manga!? no wait, where did Veldora get that manga!?

{Notice. The individual Veldora has used your memory to reproduce party games and manga.}

Great Sage told me...

'I'm gonna have to talk with that old man when he's finally released.'

I thought defeatedly, for now, let's just get back to our own celebration.

"*sigh*, well then, Roma, how about we get back inside, everybody is waiting on you, and I'd be happy to have you return with me as well."

I said with a smile, Roma blushed a little before smiling as well.

"Yes! Let's do so"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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