Back Again

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Tord woke up first in a cold sweat he shot up and was shivering badly. He couldn't stand but he sure could panic. Tord looked around frantically and huffed and slowly calmed down laying back down.

Tom woke up to all the movement, "Mmnnhhuuuugh... Shit... who the hell?" Tom was still half asleep so when he saw Tord he didn't quite remember last night entirely he just knew he was naked with Tord in his bed. Tom sat up straight in fear then... it all came back to him like a slap in the face. "Agh... I'll have to get used to this."

Tord looked sad, "I ... I understand if you are having second thoughts."

".... I didn't say that I said what I meant C- I mean." Tom sighed and had to filter his brain a bit. "I said what I meant. I'll give you a chance okay don't blow it."

"Uhm... Tom?" Tord looked worried when bringing this up. "I hate to say it but I have really bad episodes during loud thunderstorms and fireworks... so... uhm... if those ever happen to come up.... I need you to help... because... I might go a little nutty. That's the only thing you'll have to worry about with me."

Tom nodded, "Nutty? How?" Tom yawned as Tord mustered up the courageto tell Tom.

"I... get violent towards pictures of myself and mirrors even window reflections..." Tord admitted.

Tom blinked, "Oh..."

Tord nodded closing his eye. "I should try getting up." Tord wiggled his toes and struggled to get up. He walked like a baby giraffe with rollerblades.

Tom made sure Tord didn't fall and helped him get dressed in clean clothes. It was a blue t-shirt with asdf land logo on it with baggy sweatpants for Tord. Tom put on his usual outfit. Tom then put Tord back on his bed. "You stay here... you still got some recovering to do... I'm also telling Edd and Matt about this today I don't feel like lieing to them."

Tord was blushing a bit as Tom was treating him like a rag doll. Honestly he kinda was at the weight he was at.

"I'll bring you out but don't come out unless I call for help or you hear an alarm go off." Tom said texting Edd and Matt in the group chat to meet him at his apartment door and come to the living room to discuss something.

Tom cleaned up and eventually he got a text from Edd saying, 'Be there soon need cola buzz to kick in.' Matt texted 'Beauty sleep.... will wake up in an hour.' Tom got pissed off at Matt's narcissistic self care but didn't respond.

Tom heard a knock at the door and opened it. "Hey Edd."

Edd smiled, "It's been awhile."

Tom nodded, "Yeah I'll start when Matt gets here because you both need to hear this together. Probably sitting down."

Edd nodded walking in and looking around. "God... missed looking at all the cool designs you got. Lot you can do with a ska theme" Edd sat on the couch.

Tom nodded and crossed his arms. "Yeah Edd?"

"Mm?" Edd asked tilting his head.

"You gotta promise not to punch what I bring out later." Tom said "So does Matt."

"Ooookay?" Edd said.

Matt walked in yawning and grumbling after a bit. "I knew Edd would be here earlier than me I need my beauty sleep however I can always take time off that for my dear friend!" Matt sat next to Edd yawning.

"So what do you need Tom?" Edd asked getting a little impatient.

Tom nodded "Just... wait here and Matt promise me you won't hurt whatever I bring out. It's fragile right now."

Matt nodded, "I won't touch it!"

Tom nodded and said, "I'll get him then."

Edd figured it was a hypoallergenic dog or a cat or something. Matt brought out his mirror and started looking at himself. "I'm so perfect."

Edd rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Matt then turned pale as in the reflection he saw behind him he saw Tom carry Tord. "Uhm Edd?"

Tom was now standing in front of Edd and Matt holding the weak Norwegian.

Edd looked at Tord and teared up. "Wh... what's going on?"

"He explained everything to me.... basically he had an existential crisis with us and doesn't remember most of the things he said.... he basically snapped..." Tom said holding Tord bridal style. "Also... uhm... he confessed... to me... and I'm giving him a chance but if he screws this up I'm literally not going to let him live."

Edd looked worried he thought Tord was dead. He got up and held Tord's face. "You... sure you want to give him a second chance?"

Tom nodded and looked nervous when Edd got up.

Tord closed his eye and whined Edd's hands were warm yet rough in some places due to drawing so much.

Matt got up and tilted his head. "I don't get it but if you're giving him a second chance then okay."

Edd then thought letting go of Tord, "So uhm I'm going to fix up one of the appartments. Hopefully it'll be okay because we barely have guests over."

"Yeah... until Tord gets better though he can stay with me." Tom mumbled.

Edd flinched and looked at Tom, "Y-You sure?"

"Well ... I need to keep an eye on him somehow." Tom said.

Matt nodded, "Good point! Until he gets better Tom can watch him."

"You.... Won't get into your fights right?" Edd asked.

"Well... verbally maybe I don't know but if I need to cool off I'll give him to you Edd." Tom explained.

"That works for me." Edd said smiling.

Tord kept his eye closed. He wasn't objecting to anything because it really wasn't his place. Though he was trying his best to keep calm.

Tom noticed something was wrong but he didn't say anything because Edd and Matt were there and he didn't want to worry them. "Anyways I'll be taking care of him does anyone have anything they want to ask him before I change his bandages?"

Matt flinched, "Ew no I don't want to see that bye!" Matt left at that note to his apartment.

Tom huffed, "How about you Edd?"

Edd looked at Tord who was huffing softly. "Want me to help change them Tord?"

Tord shook his head. He was overwhelmed by his thoughts. Edd knew Tord got like this when reading hentai and just thinking about something.... or someone.

Edd looked at Tord, then at Tom. "Are you two going out yet?"

Tom flinched, "I uhm... hhh... we are trying it out." Tom said a little worried.

Edd smiled brightly, "Aight yee! That's good. Wondered when he was going to confess. Gotta say though Tord gets like this frequently might wanna get him something to help himself with. Anyways don't be too loud byyye!" Edd left on that note.

Tord clung onto Tom shivering.

Tom figured out what was wrong with Tord on that note he looked down at him and set him on his couch. Tord ruffled with his t-shirt and fidgeted. "Sorry it's uhm... I usually am not this close to you... it makes me happy."

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