Part 11

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The three had finally made it to the dinning room, Bakugo and Kirishima faces still bright red as they sat at the table while Izuku on the other hand was perfectly fine.

"Hey what's up with you two?" Sero asked as he looked at them, "Nothing" they stated in sync causing the rest of the class to blink in pure confusion.

Izuku couldn't help the small chuckle that slipped his lips knowing him and Zen were the culprits behind their blushing.

"Okiiiii...Izuku are you planning to do anything today" Denki questioned deciding to change the subject.

"Hmmmm, maybe. I could go blow up a store but I did that last week when they forgot to put a pair of clothes that I bought in my bag. So I promised I wouldn't do it again for the next week. So I technically can go set flames to wing chop"

Izuku said as he thought about it mindlessly while over half the class looked at him with bewildered expressions. Besides of course those who were now used to it.

"No, you also promised not to commit any kinda of arson for a month" Zen reminded causing Izuku to tsk.

"Damnit I did, I guess I can go to the park" Izuku stated as to which the ones who were used to it then looked bewildered. That's the most normal thing that has come out his mouth since we've been here' they thought to themselves

"Maybe I can find a bunch of people to shove into a black hole there" Izuku continued causing them to swart drop.

'Thought to soon'

"Good Morning You Mother Fucking Bitches" Ace said as he came into the dinning area with a smile, but had absolute malice in his tone when speaking towards the class.

Although afraid Iida still spoke up, rather it was out of braveness or stupidity. No one would ever know. "Speaking to an another human being that way, don't you think that's a bit rude." He spoke sternly with his nose in the air.

"Huh? Do I hear someone wants to be food?" Ace spoke irritably as a vein was clearly pulsing on his forehead as Iida spoke out.

This automatically caused Iida to shut up as memories of the previous night came flooding through his head, as to which he put his head down as the gritted his teeth.

"Ew, why would you want to eat him. His flesh probably tastes like garbage, not to mention his organs" Jayln spoke as he also entered the dinning area with Lilly and Sam.

"Huhh, where's Miles, Lexi, and Kile?" Izuku questioned as the three usually didn't sleep late and would be the first ones up.

"And has anyone seen Mina this morning now thinking about it" Jirou questioned while the four sat down.

"Ah, Kile and Miles ended up staying up all last night because Kile wanted to play the game. So they're sleeping in. Lexi and Mina are in Lexi room because Mina was scared last night so Lexi let her sleep with her" Sam explained while she laid her head on table before yawning.

Jirou, Denki, Kirishima, and Izuku wiggles their eyebrows. "A new couple is forming indeed" Izuku said with a cat like smirk on his face.

"Izuku I think you better prepare an extra room, you might have someone moving in with you" Denki said with the exact smirk.

"We should set them up on a date" Jirou said mischievously

"When can always make them go on a picnic date" Kirishima stated also planning while the four smirks grew lager at they continued to plan how to set the two up.

Bakugo, Shinso, Jaylin, and Ace sweat dropped, while Zen could only chuckle from afar of their antics. Lilly and Sam shaking their heads at the plans.

"If Mina really likes that thing, then I can't believe she could be so barbaric." Momo stated causing the room to go silent as they looked at her as if she was dumbest thing alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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