Part 5

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3 POV ( Time Skip to quirk class)

Izuku and the rest of his group we're heading to the last period which is their quirk class. When they enter Izuku was shocked to see Aizawa as well as 2-A.

"Ughh we even have this class with them" Sam groaned "Let's just get this over with" Miles said as they went to their seats which were in the very back of the classroom due to their request.

"Ok class as you can see we have a new teacher and some students from Japan that will be staying here for a year.

Mutters went around the room "Are they the people everyone's been talking about" a girl said "Yeah I think so but I herd one of them isn't on the top eight good side" a boy said "Whaaa, what they do" another girl ask joining the conversation "Apparently one of them did something to Izuku" the boy said " least I know to stir clear of the class. There's no telling what might happen if we talk to them" a another boy said "Yeah same" a girl said.

"Alright class clam down with the chatter. Today we'll be doing battling each other." A chores of yays were here "You have a job the government sent you" the teacher finished looking at Izuku and the others.

"Aww come on teach why can't we battle others" Izuku said "Did you forget the fact that you beat a kid to near death" the teacher said earning gasp from 2-A and Aizawa.

"Maybe if he kept his mouth shut it wouldn't have happened" Izuku said with a sly smirk "Put on you hero costume and go and for god sakes make sure you have your heroes license" the teacher said as the eight got up.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say old man" Sam said "That is no one to speak to a teacher" Iida said "Close you mouth" Lilly said with her eyes glowing yellow and suddenly Iida closed his mouth and couldn't open it.

"Awww Lilly got protective of her girlfriend" Kile teaser "Sh...She's not my girlfriend" Lilly and Sam said at the same time with a blush on their cheeks making the others roll there eyes.

"Lilly release it now" the teacher said, Lilly nodded and released her quirk. "Alright go the information is in here and Izuku,Miles,Jaylin,Lexi,and Sam" the teacher said looking at the three boys ad two girls. "Yes" they said lifting a eyebrow

"Don't kill anyone this time" the teacher said with a pleading look in his eyes "Fine" they said as the eight left the classroom.

"Why are the government sending children to do hero work" Aizawa said not comfortable with this "Because they're the strongest in this country if anything I feel bad for any villain that encounter them. Do you know how much paper work it is to explain exactly how they kill a villain" the teacher asked rubbing his temples.

"Excuse me what" Aizawa said, "That can't be right Deku would never kill anyone" Mina said "Who's Deku" the teacher asked "Midoryia or as you call him Izuku" Iida said, it was quite before the class bust out into laughter even the teacher.

"I don't get what's so fucking funny" Bakugo said "It's just...Izuku has killed more villains then I can count" the teacher said like it was the most obvious thing.

Aizawa and 2-A were shocked, "What" Bakugo said "Not just villains there was this one time he killed someone in a fight by accident but had no regret what's so ever" a student said "That can't be. The Midoryia we know is always a happy and a kind person" Iida said "You've gotta be kidding me. Izuku being kind now that's something I'll pay to see. Yeah I'll emit he's nice and protects us along with the other seven but kind pshh yeah right" A boy said.

"He's telling the truth see" Ochako said hold up her phone which held a smiling Izuku on it.

"He's telling the truth see" Ochako said hold up her phone which held a smiling Izuku on it

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"Yo what the hell he could smile" a guy said "Well whatever he was is gone now." A girl said "Wait if he's with him does that mean Izuku's his ex" a boy said "Holy shit he could be the one who the eight are mad at" a girl said making the others panic.

"Well we should stop talking to them" a boy said the rest nodded and left 2-A to go to the changing rooms. "What happened to Deku" Ochako whispers as tears slipped out.

Todoroki looked down and guilt "Why are you looking down. You caused him to turn into what he is now. It's your fault" Shinso said as he got up and also walked out the classroom.

(Time Skip)

The group of eight where now back at the school which was about to end in 10 minutes. "Let's head to class. They're probably in the gym" Lexi said, they nodded and Izuku teleported to the gym which the class were training.

When they popped up they all yelped out of surprise. 2-A gasped at them which they had blood covering everywhere. So they ran up to them.

"Omg are you guys ok" Mina asked "Yeah why wouldn't we be" Jaylin said "Your covered in blood" Kirishima said "Oh this isn't our blood" Ace said shocking them them their teacher came towards them.

"Guessing you beat them to near death didn't you" the teacher said "Maybe" Miles said "Ughh whatever just go clean yourself up" the teacher and the group of eight nodded.

(Time Skip)

The school day was over and the group of eight were standing in front of the gates waiting for 2-A. "I can't believe they have to stay with you" Ace said "Same" Izuku half growled "Ughh it's gonna be the weekend and you won't be over" Izuku said "If you get horny just fuck your butler you've been doing it for two months before we started dating anyway." Ace said

"Can u blame me" Izuku asked "Damn you really are a slut" Jaylin said "And you guys love this slut" Izuku said moving his hips.

Then 2-A came out the building "Finally come on fuckers you'll be staying at me and my father's place." Izuku said "Bye Izu" his friends said "Bye guys" he said back. as he teleported them there.

"What the hell" Bakugo said as he looked around "A warning would be nice" Ochako said "Sorry not sorry" Izuku said as he walked to the door. "Woah you live here" Kirishima asked "It's huge" Ochako said "Yeah yeah hurry up before I close the door on your asses" Izuku said already irritated.

Class 2-A hurriedly went inside. "Izuku welcome back" Zen said "Go to be back" Izuku said "Zen can you please show them to their rooms" Izuku said "It'll cost you sir." Zen said "Oh how much" Izuku said with a smirk, Zen put up three fingers "3 hours I can deal with that" Izuku said "Alright then follow me please" Zen said as he left with the class and Izuku went to his room.

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