〰️🔆Chapter Two🔆〰️

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〰️➿〰️➿〰️Found Kaylee〰️➿〰️➿〰️

🔸Curio POV🔸

"Stop tell me foolishness Kaylee, you know wah yuh put me through!" I snapped.

"It's always about you and what you want, yuh can't even control yuh self the people them put we out of the doctor office, yuh not even would a think about the baby well being," she said in a hoarse voice.

"Kaylee it's only been about you! All the time, yuh too spoil one little argument and yuh missing over a month" I yelled

"Stop the shouting people a hear yuh," she said looking around.

"Me no give a fuck about people, I  almost got killed out late looking for you, me lose sleep and me mind, so don't tell me bout people them no blodclaat know wah me go through" I hissed

"Well you cause it on your self" she said through gritted teeth shoving my chest with her index finger.

"Listen to me a never me in a room with man" I said

"Yes! Yes!, yuh in a room with gyl weh want yuh and you know she want yuh and still!.....Jamar no want me fi one and me never run go fuck a next man when me catch unuh Two"

"Me never go fuck nobody!" I said hissing and looking away

"Curio look at me and tell me yuh no do ntn with har" she said looking up at me with red teary eyes.

"Me never say we no do ntn" I shrugged and she walked away before I even finished my sentence.

"Kaylee!" I yelled jogging up to her and grabbing her wrist.

She flashed out of my hold crossed her arms under her breast and kept walking.

"Mami stop walking so fast no this childish" I groaned

She turned to look at me and her eyes were even redder and a single tear trailed down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away before saying "The only thing childish is how yuh treat me! And talk to me, you can be in your child's life but not mine we are done"

She walked off and I didn't follow I have never actually seen Kaylee like this.

I watched as she walked briskly jumping into a Red BMW driven by a man that looked at her very concerned when she hopped in.

Who the fuck dah breda deh be

"Kaylee!" I shouted running towards the car, they both looked up to see me and watch as I jogged to the car.

"How me communicate with you I don't have your number?" I said to her mugging the man.

"You don't I will contact you" she said

I now take my attention back to Kaylee, she is still so beautiful but dark circles formed around her eyes highlighting the paleness of her skin.

She lost weight too and I find that
Very odd cause pregnancy should put on weight not take off.

"Kaylee seriously, At least go home look in a yuh face your eyes are sinking in a hole and yuh can catch water in yaso" I said touching her collar bone.

"Me wah at least know yuh safe" I said

"Curio me good, I don't need anyone to take care of me..... All me life nobody ever really cared I can manage yuh no have Sombody weh fi a fuck yuh for me? Gwan to har" she hissed with her arms still crossed.

"But that n-"

"Fabian go," she said cutting me off.

And he looked at me then started up the car.

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