Chapter 12 - CP9

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This is how I see Y/n ( pic above)

I wanted to share it because she look so adorable. Y'all can imagine what Y/n looks like but please keep the dark blue eyes because it's for the plot :)

Into the story!


Your Pov:

I couldn't keep up with the I had to stay in a room near iceberg and sneak in before Robin would.

I turned myself into liquid and hide in a corner in iceberg's room. I waited for the perfect moment to appear.

After awhile I finally saw Robin pointing the gun at Iceberg. I sneak up behind and put the back of my sword to her neck.

She slowly turned to me while using her devil fruit power to held Iceberg down

" Why are you still showing mercy? I have left the crew " She said... " Robin..." I mean I knew at that time she wanted to die because people curse her existence as the demon child.

" You're still our can't just go around sacrificing yourself to us " I said which made her pause for a second.

" You're way too kind to be a pirate or you just can't accept the truth " Robin said in a cold tone and started attacking me.

I dodge it and made sure iceberg wasn't going to get hurted. It's hard fighting robin knowing that I'm deaf.


Robin was using her devilfruit power to hold you down, she succeeded but you turn into liquid before she could break your spine.

" Robin! You don't have to do this! " You yelled as you defend yourself. " I do! It's my dream and I can't fullfil it if I go with you " Robin said as she tried to shoot iceberg but you protect him with your sword.

" You keep saying that, but is it really your dream? " You asked in a calm tone but Robin still have the same expression on her face.

The door burst open to reavel the CP9 members but they were all wearing mask. You cursed inside your head since you have no idea what they could be saying but you still have your guard up.


Your Pov:

Huh? Why hasn't they taken thier mask off? Is it because I'm deaf? My guess it's because of me...

Carp! One of them is using shave! I quickly turn around to attack them. I don't even remember which is which...

Suddenly Robin threw my katana across the room but that didn't matter... Because I still have my devil fruit

I did no afford on getting my sword back since they would get chance to attack Iceberg.

" Stay close to me " I pull Icebreg close to me. I tried to look for a way I could escape but they all block it.

Two people were about to attack us

" Water shield " I said quietly said because I suck naming my power moves and it was embarrassing for me to say it out loud....

But they finally decided to show thier face which shock Icebreg

" What a rare fruit you have there, Y/n..." I could tell thier annoyed. " Let's not waste any time ". Lucci said and one of them was about to punch me but that would useless.... unless-


' sea stone! ' You thought to yourself as you duck down with iceberg. You wanted to find a way to get to your katana that was tossed across the room. Suddenly all of the CP9 members disappear and you knew you were screwed....

Before you could made another sheild you got hit by sea stone which made you drop the floor. Kaku held you to the ground as he tie you with sea stone chain.

The wall broke which show Luffy

" Luffy! " You yelled in happiness which made Kaku slam your head to the ground.

" Y/n! Aren't you guys the old man's nakama? " Luffy was not understanding the situation but if he's close nakama got hurt, he has the right to start a fight.


* Mini time skip *

You were kicked by Lucci when they were about to set the building on fire. While the rest of the crew were trying to defend themselves.

Your Pov:

I yeeted to building...I'm hoping I don't break my back. My body was way too weak to stand up.

I should really have learned haki...but I literally know no one that could teach me in my island.

Suddenly I felt my body getting light

" Huh? " I look to see who it was and was Sanji who broke me free.

" Sanji!? " I was shock but then he hug me and then broke the hug

" I'm glad your okay Y/n-chan, I will beat those bastard for you " Sanji learned sign language just for me...

" Let's beat those bastard for Robin " I said with smile on my face ignoring my broken ribs. Sanji nodded and gently carried me.

" S-sanji!? I can walk on my own! " I said nervously and probably blushing too since I felt my cheeks heat up.

" You're injured, let me carried you for awhile " If I heard his voice I would be getting a nosebleed cause-

Damn! He looked so hot when serious but that's not the time.

" Thank you, Sanji " I smile at him.


Sanji Pov:

I'm holding Y/n-chan!!!

Calm down...I don't want my blood to stain her... So control yourself!

Sanji mentally slap himself


You were in alleyway with Sanji spying at CP9. Sanji sign language what they were saying

You felt so happy that Sanji would do that.

" Looks like the others will take awhile to get here... " You said while looking at the train.

" Let's get in. I will leave a message for Nami-swan. The rest have to get catch up with us, one way or another" Sanji puff out some smoke before starting writing his message.

You waited for Sanji while looking around.


To be continued

Words: 1000

I'm really sorry for this short chapter

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