Chapter 29 - Seeing you again

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Law's Pov:

I was about to switch them back till...

" Wait! " The vice captain of the mugiwaras stop me.

" Can we not switch back yet? " She asked. " Why? " I asked.

" Um...I gotta need to hear something. It's hard to explain it, so please don't switch as back yet! " She beg which made me sigh.

" Fine " I mumble... She is weird...when I first met her, she came out of a barrel...

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" Don't you want to come back to your body? " Chopper asked you.

You write on a piece of paper before giving it to Chopper since he haven't learn sign language.

" I need to hear. Something will attack us sooner or later. I can't fight them if I can't hear... Please understand. I know it's horrible to be in my body but I will pay you back "

" I don't mind at all...but how will you fight? " Chopper did mind... being deaf was horrible!

You smirk as you showed Chopper once of Sanji's move. You earn some claps from the children.

" COOL!! You're like Sanji! " Chopper shouted.

" How come you know how to do that? " Nami asked.

You froze for a second " Sanji's move are pretty easy... " You mumble.

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* Time skip *

Your Pov:

I was back in my original body but I was running for life as I bunch of kids were chasing me like a predator wanting its prey.

You may be did it happen?

I know Mocha was supposed to be the one to sacrifice herself and eat all those drugs... I couldn't let that happen! Those children suffer enough...

I was running wait a whole jar of drugs that was disguise as candies. Chopper was behind him.

My eyes grew wide as I saw the dead end.

" Y/n! Find a way to get us out! I can't hold them back without hurting them " Chopper said.

I look at Mocha worried look then I look at the jar...A sacrifice has to be made.

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Mocha scream as she saw you eating all the drugs out of the jar like you haven't eaten in days.

" Y-y/n?! Stop that! You will die if you eat more! " Chopper yelled.

" SHE'S TRYING TO EAT THEM ALL TO HERSELF! " The kids yelled in anger as they were trying to overpower Chopper.

" Stop! Please stop! Why are you eating them! If you know it will kill you! " Mocha yelled as she cry begging you to stop.

But it was too late...the jar that was once full of 'candy' was now empty.

" SELFISH! " The kids started yelling at you while shouting selfish over and over again.

" STOP! Y/n just sacrifice herself for us... " Mocha started crying as she explain but the kids won't listen to her.

" Spit it out! Spit it out! " Chopper beg as he try to make you do it but you but your hands over your mouth to make sure no 'candy ' would fall.

You shook your head. " This is it..." You felt the blood drip out of your mouth which made the kids realize Mocha wasn't lying.

You clutch your stomach as you fell on the ground. It hurts so much that you weren't able to stand.

" Y/n! " Chopper came into your aid and held you in his arms.

" I'm " You mumble as you felt your eyes getting heavy to the point you just gave up.

No matter how hard your wasn't enough. In the end you messed a lot of relationship with the people you care and love about, both in this life and your past life.

You couldn't even get pass 30...

You just wanted to give up and be in your mother's arms wanted to be with Ryuu the only person that treated you right now that he was gone...but would be you purpose or motivation?

You craved badly for attention and praise since you barely received some. In the past your mom wasn't really mentally stable...

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* Flashback *

" Y/n, darling. Wouldn't you be so kind and buy mommy some cigarettes? " She asked you.

" But... it's late and there was news report of- " Before you could continue your mom yelled.


You felt scared when she was mad. She gets emotionally and physically abusive sometimes when she doesn't have her cigarettes. Which was an addiction.

She changed a lot every since your dad passed away.

You made a promise that you would successful so that you can take care of your mom since she was worried about you money.

You were desperate to start making money when your young.

You promise you wouldn't die before your mom. Unfortunately you did...and you couldn't forgive yourself for that.

" Always pray that you will live a long life with mommy, ok? " Your mom said.

" I will! I wanna stay with you forever, mommy! " A small child name Y/n said as she hug her mother.

Memories of your childhood from the day you were born to the day you die came rushing back like a movie.

* End of Flashback*

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Your Pov:

I slowly open my eyes and notice a dark figure next to me. I wanted to get out but I couldn't.

I heard cries of an older woman...I finally have a clear at that woman's face she seems familiar...

" My baby! I'm so sorry... I should have protected you " She cried harder than kiss my forehead I then a the necklace around her neck...


I wanted to apologize and hug her but I couldn't move... Nothing was holding me back but I still couldn't move an inch.

Once I heard her close the door as she leave that was when I can finally move.

" Wait! " I yelled as I slam the door open and ran after her.

The more I ran the further she was.

" STOP! PLEASE! Don't leave me! I'm sorry! " I yelled hoping she would at least stop and took a glance at me.

I was about to finally caught up to her till I felt someone pull me back.

I felt a pair of arms around me as if it was keeping me safe.

" Don't give have to make him the pirate king at all cost " That voice was Ryuu... Tears roll down my cheeks.

" I'm tired...I don't want to do it anymore! I know it sounds selfish but I'm scared. Me being them can change everything! " I vented to Ryuu.

" I'm sorry you feel that way... it's okay, remember I'm always behind you " He said I felt relief.

" Will you wait for me? " I asked. " Yes, my soul won't rest till Luffy becomes the Pirate king! I also won't rest till I know my little sister is happy " He said.

I wish I could have stayed longer but this time I really woke up.

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To be continued

Words: 1150

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