#16 Letter

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"Where are we going?" Fuu asked, as they raced through the grasslands.

"Well, the clones will last for two days since I reinforced them with a lot of chakra." Naruto explained, slowing down as the border between the land of grass and the land of waterfalls.

"So basically we have a few days to decide if we want to go to Taki and Shibuki and tell him that you escaped or if we want to just go completely rogue." The blonde continued.

"Why would we want to tell Shibuki? He and the council basically forced me to do this shit." Fuu asked, anger filling her voice at the thought of the discussion she had with her former friend.

"Well, they said that it would stop a war, which honestly would have been a great reason. However, I am sure that you saw the merchants and rogues that had come to the village. There is no chance that Hiatsu has gotten all of them to come with the chance of a war and the spoils from that. My suspicion is that he will declare war on Kusagakure regardless of the fact that Shibuki and you had agreed to his demands. We could tell Shibuki about that and with your testimony and a bit of diplomatic skill, we could prevent Taki from being dragged into the war." Naruto suggested, as they walked up the path that led to the top of the cliff and into the land of waterfalls. Fuu stayed silent, thinking about what the blonde had said.

"You really think that Shibuki would believe us? I mean don't get me wrong, I want to save the innocent people of Taki from getting dragged into a war, after all that is why I didn't openly fight this marriage deal, but I don't see Shibuki believing us, especially after I just escaped from Sogen." Fuu argued after a while, as the pair was sitting down on top of the cliff.

"Hm, I guess you are right." Naruto agreed, laying back and staring into the sky, his hands behind his head, thinking about what to do next.

"Well, it is obvious we can't stay here. As soon as any aggression starts the border will be crawling with shinobi." He stated.


"What if I go to Shibuki as Wolf and tell him how Sogen is still gearing up to attack? Then he can try to stay out of the war. It would give us a good reason to go to Taki as well and then we go from there." Naruto tried. He could see that Fuu didn't want to see Taki obliterated, at least not the 'innocent people' as she had said, however it would be hard to convince Kusa that Sogen was acting on its own.

"Hm, yeah that could work. At least then it would be easier to protect the civilians." Fuu agreed.

"Well, then we have to move. It would be better if Shibuki knew before Sogen actually declared war." Naruto said, standing up. The green haired girl sprung up as well, a smile on her face.

"Do you have a persona or mask?" They were jumping through the trees and had almost reached Taki.

"You don't think I can use my drunk woman?" Fuu asked with a grin on her face.

"Of course I have a persona." She declared after an unimpressed look from Naruto.

"Meet Eagle." The girl said, pulling out a porcelain mask of an eagle. A few hand signs later, her hair was black and her skin tone had changed from tanned to absolutely pale.

Naruto nodded, pulling out his own mask and slipping it on. Both surpressed their chakra signature to the point that they were not recognizable and slowed down as Takigakure's gates came into view.

"Halt! State your business." The guards stopped them, which was to be expected.

"We have urgent news from Sogengakure." Naruto spoke, earning a suspicious look from the two guardsmen.

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