#23 Mission

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Walking out of the interrogation center Naruto and Fuu linked arms.

“I am glad that we didn't get into too much trouble.” The red haired girl whispered, putting her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. 

“Don't be too certain about that. My guess is that we will get called to the Hokage again. If he tells the council for sure and even if he doesn't, he will probably have some more questions for us.” The black haired teen stated.

"Let's just try to enjoy the time that we have." Fuu replied, the pair walking towards their hotel. Looking up, they saw the sun was still up and Naruto got an idea.

"Want to see something awesome?" He asked, earning a smile from the girl next to him.

"What? You mean other than every time I look in a mirror?" She asked playfully, flicking her hair back. Both laughed at that for a few moments.

"No, of course. You always find the best things." Fuu agreed as Naruto led her away from their hotel, further into the village.

"Why are we climbing all this way?" The red haired girl asked as she looked up, seeing even more steps ahead of her.

"You will see when we are there." The boy behind her said, earning an annoyed laugh, but Fuu stayed quiet for the rest of the climb.

When she reached the top, she felt the wind in her hair and for a moment she didn't know where she was, but then she turned around and her eyes widened.

In front of her she could see the whole of Konoha and a lot of the forests surrounding it. The sight itself would have been breathtaking but the sun had just begun to set and turned the whole scenery red, which somehow made it seem much more beautiful.

"Told you it would be worth it." Naruto said as he walked up behind her, snaking his arms around her stomach.

"Yes, yes it is." She whispered, placing her hands over his and admiring the show as the sun sank lower and changed the colour of the scene from red to orange and then towards dark blue until it was gone and only the moon and stars illuminated the village.

"Dinner is served." She heard Naruto whisper before turning around and seeing a picnic blanket on the ground. A few candles had been lit in the middle of it and there were a few different options for a meal. There was some curry rice, some chicken, some sushi and some simple bread as well. 

"You really know how to spoil me." The green haired teen whispered before pressing her lips on Naruto's. She imagined that he had created a shadow clone to set this all up as they watched the sunset, although admittedly she had no idea how the clone didn't make a single noise during all of it. 

They ate in comfortable silence, smiling at each other. 

Looking over the village, Naruto smiled as he felt Fuu move to put her head in his lap. Almost subconsciously his hands moved to play with her hair, as he sat and watched the lights in the houses turn on and off.

"Hey Naruto." Kurama's voice pulled him from his own thoughts.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked in his mind.

"I was just thinking about your future plans, like do you want to stay near Taki or build a base somewhere else or what is your plan?" 

"I actually have no idea. I will have to talk with Fuu about it. Personally I wouldn't mind staying around Taki, although it would pose a few problems with their war and Fuu being supposedly dead. I wouldn't mind finding some place to build a permanent base either." Naruto thought, earning an affirmative grunt from the big fox in his head. 

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