New Years '23 Omake

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"Tsunade Senju!" The blonde woman looked around as her name was called. She readied herself to jump away in case it was one of the many creditors that she had ghosted after losing most of her money in the gambling halls.

"Who are you?" She asked, looking at the teenage pair that was standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry Lady Tsunade, I couldn't stop them." Shizune came running up, panting.

"It's okay Shizune." The older woman said, before looking back at the two teens.

"Again, who are you?"

"We were sent by the Hokage to bring you back to Konoha." The girl stated, answering the question in a way that Tsunade hadn't expected. Usually they would send some genin team along with their sensei to try to convince her, but never two teens on their own.

"Alright, that still doesn't answer my question." Tsunade grew more interested in their identity as tried to figure it out. If they were shinobi of Konoha, then it was highly unusual that they didn't wear their insignia visible on their body. If they were not from Konoha, then why would the Hokage send them after her. It didn't add up to the sannin.

"Our names are Asuna and Kirito. Will you come with us or not?" The redheaded boy replied.

"What would you do if I said no?" Tsunade knew that something was wrong, sensing their chakra she found them to be around chunin level in reserves and yet they were completely at ease with the potential of her fighting back as the boy answered that they would take her back, either way. It really intrigued her.

"Tell you what, if you manage to surprise me with something I don't expect, I will come with you." Tsunade said, earning a protesting shout from her assistant.

"Are you sure you want to leave a decision like that to gambling, considering your luck and everything?" The black haired woman whispered, earning a smile from her master.

"Don't worry about it, I have seen a lot of techniques, we just need to be vigilant after they are gone, they won't manage to surprise me." She whispered back confident that she would not be able to lose that bet.

"I'll take that bet." Kirito replied, a slight smile making Tsunade start to doubt her decision.

"Alright." The sannin slowly said, crossing her arms expectantly.

"Just put out your hand." The redhead ordered, as the raven girl put her hand on his shoulder. Looking at each other, Tsunade and Shizune had no idea what to expect, before putting out their hands.

"I win." The teen simply stated, taking both of their hands as a flash enveloped the quartet.

In the blink of an eye Tsunade found herself in a forest. Looking around she saw Shizune looking around, the same confused look on her face.

"We are ten minutes away from Konoha." The boy's voice brought the sannin back to reality. Flinching away from the boy, Tsunade reclaimed her hand.

"How do you know that Jutsu?" There was only one jutsu she knew of that could accomplish what had just happened.

"I have my ways." The teen simply replied.

"We won your bet, let's go." The girl ordered, starting on her way towards the village that Tsunade had left behind all those years ago.

"Naruto!" Fuu angrily shouted as the blonde ran away from her. He had once again stolen her fan from her during their sparring.

"Give me back my fan!" She demanded, as she gained on the boy. Pushing a bit of chakra into her legs, the mint haired girl shot forward, grabbing her boyfriend by the waist as they fell out of the treetops. Rolling over the ground they came to a stop with Fuu sitting on top of Naruto, grinning as she snatched the fan from the blonde's hand.

"I hate you." She playfully growled, earning a grin from the boy under her as he wrapped his arms around her lower back.

"Sure you do." He responded, watching as Fuu sealed the fan away and leaned down.

"Mhm, you know it." She said, before leaning down fully only for Naruto to turn his head away, letting her lips press on his cheek instead of his own.

"Hey!" The tan girl shouted as she used her hands to hold his head in place, shaking her head at his grinning face.

"Better." She voiced after kissing him. She got an agreeing nod from her boyfriend before he pulled her back down again.

"I love you." Naruto murmured between kisses.

"I love you too." Fuu immediately responded. She pulled back as she saw Naruto's face grow serious.

"What is it?" She asked, as she climbed off of him and they both sat next to each other.

"Remember when the council asked for me to come back?" Fuu nodded at that, she was getting a bit scared at the sudden seriousness of the blonde.

"I realized that they have to have something planned, since they backed down so easily. I don't know what it is, but I know that they can not force me directly into doing anything since they don't have the manpower to do so and besides if it ever came out that they forced me, then the civilians would riot, since they so love their 'Namikaze Heir'." It was true, they had overheard several conversations where the people wondered if the rumors about the beloved teen coming back were true. Although nobody realized that the boy was already back in the city, just that he wasn't staying.

"That means that they have to get some kind of advantage over me. You are the only thing that is important to me, that they can get to." Fuu's eyes widened as she saw the boy take a small box out of his pocket.

"This ring has the hiraishin engraved in it. You only need to pulse your chakra and I will be there in a heartbeat." Naruto stated, taking the ring out and presenting it to the girl.

It was relatively simple, a gold band with three stones. On the sides were a small yellow and an equally big green one while the one in the middle was bigger, it was a mix between the yellow and green that almost created a Yin-Yang-Symbol. Fuu was in awe.

"Is that an engagement ring?" Fuu asked, earning a small chuckle from Naruto.

"I had it made with that intention, but I wanted to ask you later, after we were done in Konoha. These aren't really the circumstances where I wanted to ask you to marry me, so just think of it as a promise ring. I will make it up to you." The blonde sheepishly said.

"I love it." The teenage girl whispered, presenting her hand as Naruto slipped the ring on her finger. Fuu quickly went in for another kiss, before they embraced each other.

"They won't get to me. I'm a big girl." The mint haired teen said, earning a chuckle.

"But really, if you ever ask me, you know I am going to say yes."

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