Easter camp EM

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The card game: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dungeons-Dragons-Dungeon-Mayhem-Card/dp/B081SNXGJZ/ref=asc_df_B081SNXGJZ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=394229415990&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14926061275737795725&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=20339&hvtargid=pla-881629866666&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=81425710469&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=394229415990&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14926061275737795725&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=20339&hvtargid=pla-881629866666
(Ps this is the bigger set for families there are different versions)

Warning: a bad camp site and hot mum.

Easter camp

Summary: Y/N and Eddie are both forced to Easter camp.

Yea I know camp for a 19 year old crazy but true. The park rangers tend to leave us alone.; I know because ever since I turned 16 I've been left to my own devises.

I learnt to play drums which my mum didn't like because it was to boyish. But I told her I could play any song so she just said "whatever". Then she got my room soundproofed because she hated noise. She was a teen mum and my dads rich so I think she's around for the money and me.

Speaking of mum where is she.  I spotted her next to the camp leader her finger intwined in her hair. I ran over giving her a quick kiss on the cheek . She pulled me into a hug giving me a small kiss on the head. As I ran into the camp she yelled "have fun and dress girly you could get a boyfriend or something else".

Ohh yea that's another thing she's not homophobic I'm starting to think she's bi because she flirts with lots of woman as well as men.

The camp leader (Sophia) jogged up to me asking "so the couple wants to share a room, is that fine with you? Also you'd have to share with Eddie Munson". I'd seen Eddie around school he was nice and if I passed him in the hall he'd always open a door or move out the way with a little bow.

"Yea sure" she sighed in relief I don't think anyone wanted the temper tantrum from little miss pink. She was nice enough as long as she got her own way. I walked over to the little hut the big ones get.

There he stood the famous Eddie Munson. He's picked top bunk on the left side so I picked the right side. "I think you've got the wrong room". "Ohh yea sorry you'll be sharing with me so the couple can go together or the girl will have a massive temper tantrum. We can get changed in the bathroom"

I pointed at the door in the room. He just nodded and continued to unpack. "So what is this place?". I looked at him with the look of is he crazy "summer camp".

"Yea but what's it all about?" he said chuckling at my blunt remark. "Ohh well us bigguns' get to do whatever we want in here or in the theatre. They have instruments but I have a few card games." He smiled saying "maybe we could play together" I smiled in agreement.

We got along quite well. I pulled out a game "dungeon mayhem" it's an attack game. You chose a character. Each card you've got means something different. The little signs in the top corner have a key. Look you get 3 special effects or powers to your character and then shield attack heal" I said pointing to each effect" he nodded before we picked our characters.

I got one of the middle ones because i felt it was only fare because I had played the game before. I won obviously but we played the game a lot by far mine and his favourites.

A week in and we where having fun. I had took him to the theatre and I had showed him a little bit of my drum skills and we played one of my favourite song which turned out he really liked to.

We both loved the camp but had to say goodbye and go back home and then school the next morning.

Do you want a part two???
I could write him finding Y/N in school and asking her out or something else suggestions are open

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