They Know

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Okay. This is bad! Very, very bad!

Marinette watched in horrified shock as her father continued hugging Adrien, holding him off the floor. The poor boy's arms were pinned uselessly at his side as he struggled against the much larger man.

"S...secret, what secret?" Adrien's voice squeaked. Marinette was amazed he could speak at all with Tom's crushing embrace.

"Would anyone like a cupcake?" Sabine cheerfully walked over with a tray in her hands. "We made the ganache extra dark."

Marinette numbly glanced down at the tray. Twelve black cat-shaped cupcakes with neon green eyes stared back at her. Marinette gulped and looked back over to Adrien.

His eyes silently pleaded with hers for help. Marinette took a deep breath and forced herself out of her shocked stupor.

"Let him go, Dad!" Marinette commanded. "He's turning blue."

Reluctantly, Tom set the stunned boy back on his feet and let go. "We will have some vol-au-vents ready soon. I know you enjoyed them when you had brunch with us,"

"B...brunch?" Adrien stammered, his voice an octave higher than normal. All the color had drained from his face, and he looked absolutely petrified.

"Of course! We will have to do it again. No need to be so formal next time." Tom winked. "You can leave the suit at home, if you know what I mean."

Marinette's heartbeat was deafening in her ears; panic was starting to overtake her. My parents know Adrien is Chat Noir! MY PARENTS KNOW ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR!!!

Okay. Breathe, girl. Breath! Focus on damage control! Marinette forced herself to take deep breaths, trying to calm her frantic heartbeat.

"What exactly did you tell Mr. Agreste?" Marinette asked in a calm, controlled tone. Hopefully, her parents wouldn't notice that she was internally freaking out.

"Not much," Sabine set down the tray on the counter. "However, he had some very interesting things to say."

Tom excitedly clasped his hands together. "And some adorable pictures, too!"

Marinette heard Adrien gulp.

"Yes. He seems to be convinced Hugo is Adrien's son." Sabine crossed her arms and gave her daughter a knowing look. "Marinette's, too."

"C...crazy, right?" Marinette laughed nervously. "W...what did you tell him?"

"Just that my daughter was asked to babysit while Hugo's mother was ill. He was very curious about Hugo's family, but we told him that we simply didn't know."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Immense relief washed over Marinette. Adrien's identity was still a secret from his father. Yeah... Her parents finding out was bad, but it could have been much worse. At least Marinette knew she could trust her mom and dad. A moment later, Marinette ran over and tightly squeezed her mother. "Thank you! Thank you! You're the best mom ever!"

Sabine squeezed her back. "Well, it's not every day that I learn that we will have such a cute grandbaby."

Marinette sputtered and began coughing.

"Five years, though," Tom wrapped an arm around Adrien's shoulder. "My wife and I need at least five more years before any... kittens."

"Uh.. yes, sir," Adrien answered stiffly; Marinette could see the fear in his eyes.

"To think, someday we will have a superhero in our family," her father dreamily smiled.

"And he'll choose our Marinette over Ladybug," Sabine added.

After Bunnyx Brings a Baby: A Sequel to 'When Bunnyx Brings a Baby'Where stories live. Discover now