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Ladybug was still giggling when she landed on her bed. Ha! Her parents would be in for quite a little shock in a few hours. Once Marinette dropped her transformation, she was met by a very unhappy-looking Kwami.

"That wasn't very nice, Marinette." Tikki folded her arms across her chest

"Come on, Tikki. It was just a bit of fun." Marinette assured her as she climbed down from her loft bed. She cheerfully hummed to herself as she changed into her pajamas. Marinette was halfway through brushing her teeth when she heard a loud knock from downstairs.

Marinette paused as she looked over at the trapdoor of her room. True, she had half-expected Chat Noir to chase her home, but he wouldn't need to come through the front door. She immediately set down her toothbrush as another louder knock came from downstairs. Marinette quickly ran to investigate.

Once downstairs, Marinette saw her bathrobe-clad parents standing next to the entry door. A pang of guilt washed over her. Tom and Sabine always went to bed early. The sudden knocking must have caused them to scramble out of bed.

Marinette rushed forward in an attempt to beat her father to the door. Tom protectively stepped in front of her and cautiously turned the handle. As the door opened, a very distressed Adrien stood on the other side.

Marinette's stomach dropped when she saw him. Adrien's face was deathly pale, and his red eyes had tears in their corners. He looked... genuinely frightened.

"Adrien? What happened?" Sabine gently touched the boy's shoulders and guided him inside. "Are you okay?"

"I came as soon as it happened," Adrien began. "I... I don't want to hide anything from you. Ever."

"Are you okay, son?" Tom asked.

"No. I'm not okay," Adrien shook his head as he fell to his knees. "L... Ladybug kissed me."

Tom and Sabine gasped.

Marinette immediately felt sick; her prank had gone too far. This wasn't Adrien acting. He was absolutely terrified of her parent's reaction.

"A...as soon as I realized what was happening, I... I pushed her away," he stammered, hugging his arms to his chest. "But in those moments, I forgot myself. It's unforgivable."

A tense moment of silence passed. Tom and Sabine glanced at each other, then back down to the boy kneeling in front of them. Adrien didn't look at them; his head hung low as he waited for their retaliation.

Marinette's throat was so tight she could barely breathe. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!!! What had she done?! Adrien was raised in a home where absolute perfection was always required. With Gabriel, there was never any room for error. Any deviation from acceptable behavior was cause for drastic punishment. It was no wonder that Adrien was terrified.

She clenched her fists tightly, letting her nails dig into her palms. With all her might, Marinette wished she could just take back that stupid kiss. She never meant for this to happen; she would never intentionally hurt Adrien. It was all supposed to be a bit of fun.

Marinette frantically blinked the tears out of her eyes as she wiped her face with her hands. The guilt she felt was crushing. Somehow, she needed to fix this.

"I don't understand." Sabine finally spoke, shaking her head. "Ladybug has never shown romantic interest before. Why now?"

"She's jealous," Adrien lifted his head and looked straight into Marinette's eyes. "I've been getting some extra attention, and she is having difficulty adjusting. There's been a lot of late-night Akumas, and she's getting cranky."

After Bunnyx Brings a Baby: A Sequel to 'When Bunnyx Brings a Baby'Where stories live. Discover now