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A/n : well her is a prolouge right before Ethan arrives ok ? Ok .


Y/n : pov

"Hey sis , wanna hear a story?" The boy with the trench coat said nearing the little girl . " YES I LOVE STORYS !" The boy smiled fondly at the little girl " ok just listen to this " the boy said siting down . " There was once a family that lived over the mountain offering things to those in need but they haded this secret." The girl asked in wonder " what was their secret ?" The boy chuckle " there were rumors that they hid this special key that can only be reached if you had the special necklace." The girl asked " Where does it lead to ?" The girl wondered " well it unlocks this box's that was given to them from generations to generations it say that it hold this special thing that can give a Person one wish ."



I woke up in a cold sweat ' its that dream again it just won't go away ' I started dressing myself with black pants brown boots with a white collar shirt and a vest . I walk towards the window seeing the Lycans are nowhere in sight ' for now ' . I went to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. ' where is my gun ?' I look around and spotted my belt with the hostler attached to it with my revolver in it .

"Ok I'm all set I just need my coat " i said I moved towards the chest I have in my room . I moved it from under the bed opening it in the process. Inside was my mother's coat I always wear it to remember her . " Oh here was my axe " i grab it and attached it to my belt. As I reach the door I ready my self for the cold that would come .

I walked outside paying close eye to my surroundings. ' no lycan strange ' I put my had on my revolver just in case I have a suprise attack . I went through the forest to reach my workplace wich is near the castle dimitrescu.

As I got closer to my work station I spotted a lycan scavenging an animal . I slowly went around him gun out pointing at his head if it decided to attack . As I retreated I heard a *SNAP* ' Shit' the lycan turn around and started running towards me . I managed to shoot two bullets in his head but he got on top of me inguring me with his claws.

My gun was out of reach so I use my axe for defense I managed to kill him with a clean slice on his neck. I groaned in pain seeing my arm with a gash . I touched my face sighing in relief that my mask was still there intact . I decided to continue my way to the castle to ask a friend for help.




I reach the castle with a bad wound making myself near the door that will lead to the kitchen. There I saw four maids cooking the bloodied meat . " Hey Mary do you know where Eveline  is ?" She turned around " what happened to you ?" She had a worried look " I got attacked by a lycan on my way here " I said telling the full truth. " also I need to find Eveline she might have an aid kit , have you seen her ? " I asked ." Oh she might be in the garden tending the plants. " she said " thanks Mary " I gave her a smile " be careful the daughters are roaming the halls " she told me " ok I will see ya " giving her a hug in the process. I made my way through the castle near the main halls  .

I finally reach the garden " Hey eveline you in here ?" I said will entering the garden house . " Oh Y/n is everything alright ?" Eveline said in a motherly tone . " I want to know if you have an aid kit for my wound I have . " Come here dragă let me tend your wound " she grabbed my uninjured arm and guide me to her room the maiden chambers.

" take off your coat dragă " I did as she said but I groaned in pain just by the touch of the fabric . " Here let me help " she gently took my coat off me and put it to the side for later . " now take your vest and shirt off so I can continue the process " she said gently.  " let me get the supplies wait here please " she gave me a soft smile before she leaft and get the supplies .

I took off my shirt and vest wich was a pain cause it grased my big wound on my arm . I put my bloodied shirt and vest on top of the coat to pick up later . " I'm back dragă Now lift your arm a bit " she said gently . Just by the movment I groaned in pain yet again .

As eveline cleaned my wound wich was a pain she said " it might need stitches so please don't move will I do so. " I sighed " Fine but can you not make it slow please " she said reassuringly " I won't it will be quick." She took out the needle with the string to stich the wound " ok just take a deep breath and out " I did as she said . I groaned in pain when the needle peirce my arm .

She finally finish but I haded no clean clothes so she gave me a clean shirt . " Thanks eveline I owe you " I gave her a smile . " no problem but you should get working and me as well see ya " she said will walking away " see you " I said back . I went back to the kitchen  whith no problem wich was nice. There were no maids in the kitchen wich means the ladys of the house are having dinner at the moment.


I started cutting fire wood having due the assignment . I ran out of fire wood wich I went to get more . I cut down a dead tree only having a stump leaft behind.  I cut the branches of the bare tree wich I use for fire to see in the night when I cut chunks of fire wood .

I started cutting chunks of the tree in piles, the already cut pieces of fire wood are in a carriage . It has been a few hours already the sun set is showing . I took of the beads of sweet on my forhead . I started to get hot so i took my coat off leaving by sweaty body on seen the shirt sticking to me showing some scars but no one can see due to the shirt being thick .

When the carriage got full I lift the handles up the fire wood I was carrying was heavy wich cause my stitched arm to hurt but I ignored the pain and continued to move with the fire wood infront of me cold air passed me wich cause me to shiver. I reach the kichen refilling the fire wood there I carried the rest of the fire wood to the storage to refill it there .

As I finish refilling the storage and the fire places I went out and headed home stoping at my work place to get my coat I saw a crow on top of it wich was interesting to say the least . The crow went towards me and landed on my shoulder . " Hey little crow you ok ?" The crow cowed in response.  " ok then " I got my coat and headed home with the crow still in my shoulder.


As I reach my house the crow cowed again flapping his wings . " you need to go ? Ok , bye little crow nice having your company." The crow cowed again and flew away near your house little did you know that crow was one of mother Miranda's. I headed to my house took a shower and went to sleep right away .

Just out side the house was mother Miranda herself looking at you through the window " Oh my precious birdie soon you will not have to worry about anything dragul meu ."


A/n : well that is that next chapter Ethan Winters will show up on the village see you then .

dragă = dear
dragul meu = my darling

Word count = 1376

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