Chapter 14

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𝘼/𝙣 : Since you don't wear a hat anymore to hide you ears, you wear this special earmuffs to minimize the noise around you and your hearing is the same as a normal person.

P.S. You're not wearing a mask anymore since you adapted the world's scent but strong odors still makes you uncomfortable.

𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙋𝙤𝙫

I went straight to Tok Aba while holding the box filled with cupcakes in my hands.

"Hello Tok Aba! " I greeted

"Oh hello Y/n. Glad seeing you here" Toka Aba said

"Hehe. By the way Tok Aba, I made some cupcakes and I wonder if you want some" I said as I put the box on the counter and Tok Aba looked at it and he looked surprised

"They look delicious Y/n. You made all of this?" Tok Aba asked

"Yep. I made this with extra love~" I jokingly said

He chuckled
"You and your father are very the same... Such jokesters... Then let's try one" Tok Aba said as he took one and eat it.

"Mhm this is so good, not too sweet and not too bland. You did a very good job Y/n" Tok Aba complimented as he lat my head

I sheepishly scratch my cheek
"Hehe thank you Tok Aba but I still have more to learn... Umm can i put this in you fridge Tok Aba? It's seems that Boboiboy can't eat yet because of how busy the store is. And I'm afraid that the icing will melt"

Tok Aba gave me a reassuring smile
"Go ahead Y/n."

"Thank you Tok Aba"

I went inside of the stall and put the box in the refrigerator. Before I shut the door I took two cupcakes.

"I should give these to Blaze and Ice"

I went to the tree where their sitting. I saw Ice there, sleeping but Blaze was nowhere to be found. I look around and saw Blaze talking to costumers.

"He's busy. I will have this cupcake for myself then"

I went to Ice and sat close to him.

"Ice, I have a cupcake do you want one?"

I heard him hummed in response and he sat down and took the cupcake from my hand and start munching.

"Hmm it's delicious" He said

"Really? Glad you like it"  I said and start eating my cupcake which is supposed for Blaze.

"Y/n don't move" Ice said

I didn't move and he wiped something off on my face, to be specific close on my lips. I looked at him.

"You have icing on the corner of your lips"

I got flustered because of embarrassment and wipe my lips with my hand.

"You could have said so! So embarrassing...Wait I'll go get some tissues to clean your hand"

I was about to get up but he pulled me down again and made me sat beside him.

"Don't bother." Then he licked the icing from his hand.

I got flustered more since the icing came from my face.

'Why on earth are you doing this??' I thought as I felt my heart skip a beat

"Dude, you're not a cat to lick your hand... I think I have wet wipes in my bag... Wait" I look at my purse and took out the wet wipes and took one.

"Here" I said as I hand him the wipes and he took it. I put back the wet wipes in the bag and I heard him sighed.

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