10. What's Worse, A Demon Or A Criminal?

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"Hoo hoo baby! It's the weekend!"

Lady:"About time too. I was hoping to get some shopping done."


Lady:"Oh? And what do you plan on doing?"

"I'm entering in a gaming tournament."

Lady:"What's the prize?"

"Dunno. I heard there was gonna be free pizza and I signed up. No further thoughts necessary."

Lady:"Oh my God..."

"Those dorks won't know what hit them."

Lady:"You're a dork."

"Yeah, but I make it look good!"

I spun around with my jacket on and snapped my fingers at her.

Lady:"Saeko? Wanna hang?"

Saeko:"Can't. I'm visiting the church."


Saeko:"I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"You're right. The minute I walk in a church, they'll throw Holy Water at me."

Lady:"Does it actually hurt?"

"No because I'm half human, but it is annoying to dry myself up afterwards. For other demons and monsters, decimates them like completely. You should try it."


We left the dorm and I began walking down the halls before heading out. I neared the doors and heard a voice call out to me. I turned and saw Coco walking towards me.

Coco:"(Y/n)! Stop."

I looked at her and she smiled and I noticed she was dragging someone else behind her.


Coco:"My teammate here has something to say to you."

She stepped out the way and before me stood the rabbit Faunus girl.

"Oh! I remember you!"

Velvet:"I'm Velvet Scarlatina. Thank you again for helping me out a few days ago."

"No problem. Sorry no one else helped."

Coco:"I usually stick with her or one of my other teammates do, but we had things to do. And the one day we were gone, someone decided to mess with her."

Velvet:"I'm really sorry for troubling you guys."

Coco:"Nope. Don't apologize. You're a cute little bunny that only shows her fangs against Grimm! You should see her in action."

Velvet went red and smiled.

"Heh, you should see me go crazy on Grimm."

Coco:"Hopefully we will soon."

Velvet:"Any plans for today?"

"Just entering a gaming tournament later. After that I might just hang around and look at some of the Vytal Festival decorations."

Coco:"And your sisters?"

"They went on ahead to check out the sights. And I think Weiss wanted to scope out the competition."

Coco:"Speaking of which, doesn't your team only have three members?"


Velvet:"I don't think you can compete in the tournament without a full team."

"Well it's not like any of us have any synergy to begin with. Both of the girls like stabbing and shooting me."

Velvet:"That's not very kind of them. You're a nice person."

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