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(slight smut/short chap)

10:13 am ✰

you and eren walked in the studio together. you saw lights turning on, people walking in with breakfast, people setting up tables, and closets, packages of clothes being dropped off, clothing racks, everyone greeting one another. the vibes gave professional yet chill.

"eren," you looked up to him. "you said it started at one, we're here early as hell,"

"actually we're kinda late." eren gazed off.

"late?? they're still setting up?!" you questioned.

"oh camille called me in here last night, she wanted me to pick something out. don't worry, these shoots are fun!" eren reassured. you and eren sat down in the lounging part of the studio.

you were gazing, looking around. next thing you know a curly haired woman approached you, spinning you around.

"ahh y/n, it's so nice to have you here!" camille hugged pulled you in a full hug. "let's get started!" she dragged you away. eren smiled seeing your excitement.

"y/n your skin is so pretty, what's the routine??" camile opened up her boutique of makeup. camille switched on the her ring light.

"thank you camille, uh, just some basic cleanser and toner." you responded. "it's not a lot to it, my face used to be a lot worse."

"right right, i can see some old scars over here," she examined your face. "other than that, i'm in love with your skin. i get tired of seeing white folk all the time."

"i bet." you laughed. "who's your favorite clients?"

"uhh, i would have to say eren. he can be a lil stubborn and moody but i love the kid, he's grown a lot! plus that's a nice looking man, you better get him girl!!"

"oh trust, we got it down! he can be a lil sassy tho," you both laughed in unison. "what's it like being a manager and makeup artist, i can tell that's a lot."

"it can only be a lot if people make it a lot. say, someone got scheduled yet cancels, it makes me frustrated. cause imagine us preparing for you to flake out. it's very often though."

"that makes sense. so how long have you been doing makeup??"

"damn girl you wanna know my social security too?!" camille jokingly snapped.

you flashed quiet.

"i'm just messin' with you. it's been about 7 years now. i've been playing in makeup since i was a little girl." camille dabbed the concealer sponge on your face and blended it. "now...it's my life!" she laughed. "the pay is pretty good though, it's just me and my little baby anyways."

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