Forgiven - Draco Malfoy x Reader One Shot

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"Watch it, filthy half-blood!" Malfoy snarled.

"Back off Malfoy." I retaliated.

"Ooh, fighting back are we?" he hissed.

I blushed. Normally I was shy and quiet, but it was his fault we had collided. The Transfiguration Courtyard was hardly a cramped space, but he seemed intent on barging into people. His goons chuckled; their fat faces reminding me of two witless trolls. I started to walk away, muttering a forced 'sorry' under my breath, making sure to shove him out of the way with my shoulder.

Merely two steps away from them; I felt a strong hand clasp my upper arm. I spun around to glare at Malfoy, but my angry stare was softened as my blue eyes locked onto his cold grey ones. If ever this idiot could have a redeeming feature, it would be his deep, almost silvery eyes...

I pulled myself out of them and quickly resumed my glower when he started to speak. I noticed that Crabbe and Goyle had fallen silent, and that some first years scurried away, while others sneakily watched us.

I grasped my wand; still in my cloak but ready to be drawn. Time had slowed down, but my heart sped up as we stared at each other.

In one swift movement, he grabbed his wand, aimed it at me, and yelled a curse that I didn't know. I reacted instinctively and disarmed him with alarming speed and precision.

He flew back in the air and crashed against the far wall. His wand soared through the air in another direction, while Crabbe and Goyle stared with gormless expressions. My first reaction was, regrettably, one of satisfied victory. As I watched his limp frame slump in a heap on the floor, my heart started to pound. With guilty pain, I was frozen.

Time moved unevenly, for I saw him breathe every laboured lungful of air, yet didn't realise Madam Pomfrey's busied actions until he was being taken away.

I was rooted to the ground until he was no longer in sight, at which point, my legs started pumping and I ran all the way to the seventh floor, where I knew I would find solitude.

I found myself crying at the thought of hurting someone, of hurting Draco.

I found myself closing my eyes and seeing the image of his sunken body.

I found myself calling his name in my head... Draco... Draco... Not Malfoy, as I would normally have addressed him, but Draco.

Images of his piercing eyes flashed before me in the darkness, while the feeling that I should have run to him, held him, helped him, coursed through my body like guilt-ridden-adrenalin.

I had stopped in a lonely alcove, unaware of my surroundings, other than the fact that I was alone.

I wiped my tear-stained cheeks, then dabbed my puffy eyes with the sleeve of my robes. I blinked miserably until my scenery made my vision focus instantly.

The light from the nearby window made the silver reflect from the green and black of a Slytherin banner like never before. The 'S' shaped snake seemed to slither slightly as the material bobbed in the corridor's breeze.

My breath caught in my throat, as the eyes of the snake seemed to follow me, ridicule me... I didn't dare take my gaze from the banner as I backed slowly out of the corridor. I turned the corner, little by little, then sped up, in the direction of the hospital wing...


I walked gingerly into the nearly empty hospital wing, but he wasn't to be seen. I knocked gently on the office door and was asked to enter.

As the door creaked open, I braced myself to see him there, but no.

"Um, could you tell me where Draco Malfoy is please?"

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now