Countering The Bad Things - Draco Malfoy One Shot

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His cold blue-grey eyes softened as I gazed up into them. I was transfixed for a moment. The feel of his strong arms wrapped so protectively around my waist was intoxicating in the strangest way. I felt safe in his grasp; like it was where I was supposed to be - no matter how stupid that sounds... I watched his inviting lips curl into a charming smile before I suddenly came to my senses.

I quickly stood from the angled position he held me in. I straightened myself hurriedly, muttered a 'thank you' and walked away, not daring to look back into those entrancing eyes...

As I scurried through the corridors of Hogwarts, I touched the back of my hand to my cheek, feeling the heat of my blush radiating there. I heard his footsteps behind me, but I sped up, to avoid seeing my saviour mock me. It was always the same. I was clumsy. I was awkward. I was... myself.

My favourite place in the whole school also happened to be my most dangerous playground - the moving staircase. And, of course, he'd caught me there. His powerful arms saved me from embarrassment, once again.

Draco Malfoy - the mysterious Slytherin Prince. He was always alone these days. After five long years of seeing the detestable bully followed everywhere by his entourage, this lonely, misunderstood boy seemed lost and vulnerable.

He'd always intrigued me; being such a high and mighty idiot, but now... now the intrigue was more of an attraction. More of a love for this misled, confused soul. I secretly loved Draco Malfoy.

And he was always there - to see my stupid stunts, to catch me when I fell. He was always there.

"Morning," my friends smiled as I reached them at breakfast.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, good morning," I nodded, sitting and staring at the empty plate in front of me.

Why did it have to happen to me? Why did I have to fall for him... literally?

"Are you alright?" someone asked me.

"Yeah," I put on a smile for my friends. They didn't know. They weren't likely to either.

"Um, okay." They all went back to their conversation about Defence Against The Darks Arts. It was a great subject, but all I could think about was defence against myself; defence against these feelings...

I chanced a glance at the Great Hall's entrance, only to see him standing there, leaning against the doorframe. His hands were casually in his pockets, his legs crossed under him. His stature was as proud and noble as ever, but his eyes lost the sparkle that the last five years had taught me to expect.

I found myself staring at him, wondering why his advancing friends showed no concern for him. Had they even noticed it? Was I the only one?

I turned back to the table and saw that the empty plate before me was cold and uninviting. The clear blue sky of the enchanted ceiling reflected in the china, reminding me of the colour of his eyes. Such a mysterious colour; like the early morning sky, with wispy floating clouds, just begging to be watched. Like misty water waiting to be explored...

I abruptly stood and left the table. My friends asked where I was going and why I wasn't eating, but I just held up a hand to let them know I was okay, while I walked out.

Draco was no longer standing there, at the entrance, but as I passed, the thought of his presence caused me to foolishly shiver.

I marched on, out of the Great Hall and to the foot of the stairs. He was gone. I was glad. To have to see him, with the friends he had undoubtedly told, would have been torture. 'The little girl who needs Draco's help every time she trips or falls.'

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