The Real Draco Malfoy - One Shot

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"Oi!" Draco calls out to you.

"Yes Malfoy?" you ask in a raised and mocking voice.

"You shouldn't be here," his voice is softer and quieter now he is coming nearer.

"Why?" you ask sharply, though you smile in greeting.

"This corridor is off limits."

"You're here..."

"I'm a prefect." He sounds a little smug but his features are understanding.


His laugh pierces the cold air. "So, sweetheart, I could get you into serious trouble for this."

"You sound like there's going to be a 'but'..."

The both of you resume walking down the corridor, lined with suits of armour and dotted with portraits of various magical creatures. He is close and your hand brushes against his every now and again.

"No 'buts'. You're in some big trouble." He sounds serious so you look into his eyes. He smirks and continues, "Joke."

"That's alright then," you laugh.

You walk a little way, feeling all the benefits of time with Draco, without having to hide your true relationship. You have to admit, that it is an odd one, shrouded in false dislike, yet filled with deepest loving of each other. You talk and the grin never leaves your face. He, too, is glowing in a way his pale skin rarely allows.

"You know, Draco... you should get down off your high Hippogriff more often."

"What?" There is a hint of defensive anger in his voice.

"All I was trying to say was..." you can't help but grab his hand and you both stop walking, "You're much easier to be with when you're being you."

He is silent, just looking into your eyes.

There is a very long, but not altogether uncomfortable silence, before he whispers, "It's you."

You look quizzically at him, raising an eyebrow and going to speak, before he cuts you off.

"You make me who I am... you make me like this." You feel him squeeze your hand. "I'm not usually this... I don't even know what I am anymore."

"You're nothing like the Draco Malfoy most of the Gryffindors would describe..."

"No, but... it's hard, you know? In school I have to be the hard, emotionless Slytherin... and at home... well... it's complicated. But with you..." He takes your other hand, "With you, I feel I can be myself. Be who I would be without all the pomp and circumstance... without the Dark Lord..."

"Draco..." you are about to say something; anything to comfort him and let him know that he could always be himself around you, but you are interrupted by a sweet kiss.

His lips are soft and warm and the true essence of the real Draco Malfoy. You smile and run your fingers through his beautiful hair. His hands are on the small of your back and pulling you tightly into him. You melt into his touch.

When you break apart, he rests his forehead gently on yours and sighs, saying, "I couldn't be anything without you. I love you. Don't leave me. Be mine?"

"Always. I'll never leave you. I love the real you, Draco."

Draco Malfoy x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now