Chapter Five

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          I take a deep breath as I straighten my tie and run my fingers one last time through my hair. I need to calm down. A week. I need to deal with her for just one week, and then she's going back to Italy for school, and I'll be free of her until next summer. I just have to remember that while she's here, so I don't snap at her.

          "For the last time, Rachel. I need these hours," I try to explain for the hundredth time. "I can't just take off work because you're here."

          She huffs from where she's sitting on the couch, behind me. I narrow my eyes at her, staring at her through the mirror hung up in the living room. She scrolls through something on her phone, then huffs again before saying, "Well it'd just be nice is all. I never see you now that I'm studying abroad. And Mom's going to be gone a lot. I'll have no one to hang out with while I'm here."

          Not my problem. I lift up my bag and double check to make sure I have my homework and then shoulder a strap. "Look. I have to go. Just... I don't know, call one of your old friends. It's summer vacation for them. They didn't all study abroad, did they? So, there you go."

          She starts mumbling something, but I head to the door without bothering to listen to what she has to say, since she always argues in circles, anyway. She protests when I swing open the door, calling out after me. "L- Leo! Leo, what the hell?"

          I just slam the door shut and keep walking.

          The alone time is short lived, however, because not long after I hit the main road, Carter's car slows down to my pace next to the sidewalk. What is it with women who can't take a hint? They're so... persistent.

          Her window rolls down, and I speak before she can say anything. "I don't want a ride."

          "Ethan. Be reasonable," she orders, her tone condescending. I turn my head to glare at her, noticing not only that she's not in uniform yet, but that Tony's in the backseat, hopping up and down in his booster seat. "It's like, a hundred degrees out. And you wore long sleeves. You do realize they make short-sleeved button-ups, right?"

          I just ignore her. Which makes her whisper something to Tony. His window rolls down and he shouts out, "Yes, Efan. Be reasernble. Just get in the car, pleaaaase."

          "I have air conditioniiiiing...." She taunts, telling me with her eyes that I'd be stupid not to take this opportunity. I just set my jaw and stare straight ahead. Until a car honks behind her. She tsks at me. "Come on, Ethan. You're holding everyone up."

          She would, wouldn't she? The car passes her, and I glance at the annoyed expression of the woman driving. There's another car coming up, too. Actually, a line of them. "Carter. Leave. Now."

          Tony's window rolls up, but she keeps her pace. "Nah. They can go around. I've got nothing better to do, anyway."

          "You could go home and get ready for work," I state, my voice rising. Does she have no qualms about holding all of these people up? About all the attention she's drawing to herself?

          "I will," she chirps. "As soon as you get in the car."

          Another car honks. Damn it. I curse through my teeth and then jog over to the passenger door and get in, slamming it shut with more force than necessary. She picks up speed, finally going the limit and following traffic.

          My jaw clenches as she stares ahead and rolls the window up, a victorious smirk etched on her lips. Tony starts bouncing up and down again, going on about how my seatbelt's not on, and the kid gets so annoying, I relent.

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