Saying "ily"

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=+-Liam's pov-+=
Parker kept looking at me,it makes me uncomfortable so I walk to his side of the booth and I was gonna tell him to stop staring. But then I realized how pretty he is. So I come over and brush over his hand repeatedly. I see him blush then I stop and say "Hey you wanna come over to my place?" Is ask. He blushes even more and he pays and we leave. We get to my house and Parker stops me from walking in. He grape my arm and says "Come over her Liam, Please." I walk over and nod.
Parker says "liam, I like a-a lot like love you more then just friends." Thoughts were rushing through my head left and right and I finally managed to say "Parker,I-I lo-"I got interrupted by a pair soft lips on mine. We stood there till I pulled away.

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