Chapter 10: The importance of taking care of Aizawa

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Aizawa stumbled to the 1A dorms where his room was, he marginally made it to his room before he burst into a coughing fit. Aizawa groaned as he felt his throat go dry and hoarse. Had he seriously just caught the flu from class 1A? His eyes felt heavier than usual. No. He hadn't caught anything. He was fine, he was completely fine. That was until he felt a wave of nausea come over him and instinctively he sprinted for the bathroom. He cursed loudly after he threw up everything in his system.

He was still shaking when he tried to stand up so he quickly sat back onto his knees, head resting on his arm which was grasping at the toilet seat. He couldn't be sick, he wasn't allowed to be sick. He still had to take care of Class 1A and make sure they didn't go sauntering over to the League of Villains. It'd be fine he could hide it, the worst thing that could happen now was for someone to come into his room-

Aizawa froze when he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Mr Aizawa, Denki caused a power out in the kitchen again... and now he's short-circuited..." Izuku, the number one problem child he knows, whined.

Aizawa opened his mouth to respond but at that moment he was overcome with nausea again. He turned back to the toilet instinctively but Izuku started to get worried when Aizawa didn't answer.

"Sensei? Are you in??" He whispered before opening the door slowly, thankfully it creaked loudly giving Aizawa a warning.

He stood up swallowing any remaining vomiting sensation and turned on the tap to imitate washing his hands.

"Oh... sorry sensei, You didn't respond so I got nervous." The boy squeaked.

Aizawa grunted a response, his head was burning, it felt like someone was slamming a burning hot hammer into his head making it ring and ache painfully. His eyes were sore too, his nose was starting to block up and he felt like he had a fever, all the signs pointed to illness but Aizawa wouldn't take it. He followed Deku slowly to the kitchen where the power had gone, listening quietly to the situation and he glanced towards Denki who wasn't short-circuited anymore. He apologised, a lot. Aizawa said nothing and slowly walked to the power box and flicked some switches off and on. He smiled a little when all the students gasped at the flickering lights as they powered on. They sometimes couldn't figure things out themselves, could they?

Aizawa grimaced when a sharp pain stabbed into his head. Could he keep this up, yes just until night then he'd sleep it off and would be fine? He frowned when he heard the students murmuring about no punishments so he was about to dish some out but, his head made him refuse and walk away. He slumped on the couch trying to shut his eyes when he heard the doorbell. This aggravated him because it was incredibly loud and it made his head retaliate in response.

He stayed still not knowing who had come in until he felt someone lean over him and then kiss him quickly. He couldn't force the smile down, Hizashi. At this point the kids of Class 1A somehow didn't know that Aizawa and Hizashi were a thing so Aizawa didn't like showing affection when they were around, he found it embarrassing.

"What did I say about kissing me in the dorms when the students are around.." He mumbled, eyes still shut.
"The kids left to play with Eri..." Yamada replied, he put his hand on Aizawaas forehead to pull back his hair but instead his eyes widened in surprise.
"Shouta, you are hot,"

"You've told me before," Aizawa smirked.

"No Shouta! Your forehead! It's burning up!" Aizawa sat up when he heard the worry in his boyfriend's voice.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Aizawa walked to his room.

"Shouta what-" Yamada raised an eyebrow. He didn't even say goodbye!

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