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Italics - Conversation in Korean


The cold water splashing across your withered face feels like the greatest luxury on earth, your parched throat yearns to swallow some. Cool beads of water glide over your neck and seeps into your chest as you look up and stare at your reflection in the mirror. The girl in the mirror stares back at you with a mocking smirk that only you can see. It doesn't feel like a mere reflection but your inner self who got unleashed last night with the help of alcohol and fulfilled her heart's deep desires.

When you step out of the washroom a thousand scenarios run through your mind about facing Jungkook face to face, but the empty room leaves you relaxed and dismayed concurrently. When you notice the entire house to be eerily silent while climbing down the stairs, it feels like you got caught inside a fever dream.

"Ma'am!" a calm voice grasps your attention from behind.

"Your aunt, uncle, and the rest of the relatives have gone to the temple in Seoul, she asked me to inform you when you wake up. She also asked you to go home and take a rest." One of your aunt's maids says politely in a forced accent.

"Alright! And..."

"And, your boyfriend just left. He asked you to drive his car back home." She hands you his Mercedes's fancy key. "Also..." Her words dissolve into thin air as you get sucked into a whirlpool of anger. "After all that how can he dare to? At least he could've informed me before leaving. What am I? A slut?" You mumble to yourself while stomping out of the mansion, clutching his car key in hand.


His anxious thoughts feel like some distant radio as he tries to ignore them and carry on with his usual tasks, but his mind flashes some glimpses from last night from time to time and drags him back to the hurricane of thoughts. "Ughhh! Why did I even drink yesterday?! All my efforts have gone into the trash just because of this fucking alcohol! How many days! How many days have I been restraining my desires?! Everything got unleashed last night! How am I gonna face her now! Shit!"

Barging into the room, he throws his blazer and plops down on the couch, massaging his temples, silently choking on his regret. When he looks up, the hot red curtain which is glowing in the daylight grasps his attention and his memories slide back to you and the saree you wore last night. Just the mere memory of that crimson red dazzling over your dusky skin just makes it hard for him to breathe all over again. His gaze slowly drifts towards his palms and it trembles in an overwhelming feeling as he thinks about the way he touched you. His fingers hoist up and delicately trace the outline of his lips as if stroking it a bit harsher might erase the trace of yours. When he is about to slouch back with a smile, completely submerged in last night's sweet memories, the door bursts open.

"saengil chukhahaeyo Jungkookahhhh!" Manager Sejin and the rest of the members barge inside the room with a cake. "Happy birthday Lil bro!" Namjoon yells and hugs the baffled Jungkook.

"We actually wanted to get you your favourite flavour cake, but we all had different opinions about your favourite and ended up getting this Choco truffle, man!" Hobi carefully places the cake on the teapoy.

"Which one is actually your favourite?" Yoongi asks while lighting the candles.

"Y/N" Jungkook blurts out with a deadpan face, but when the whole crew turns towards him in awkward silence, he quickly drags his floating conscience back, "Y/N...y/n has my wallet! Shit! I forgot to collect it from her yesterday!" he tries his best to look worried and that oddly convinces his hyungs.

"Relax man, she is not gonna go back to India with your wallet!" Jin hands over the knife to Jungkook.

"Actually, where is she? She usually arrives at this time, that's why we didn't invite her specifically." Namjoon chips in.

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