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Amongst those infinite hues of white on satin blue, black clouds hung over the rooftops like malevolent angels. Is the sky maiden planning to sob on your first day of work or what?

Nevertheless, it is an exquisite sight as you daze at the outer world, leaning against the transparent glass window of your uncle's palisade.

"Best of luck sissy, don't be a pussy! <3"

"Ay yo trash can! Don't doze off on your first day of work! Call me whenever you're free"

"Drop by the nearest temple in Seoul, when you get off work today. Don't skip your breakfast, travel safely and be careful while crossing roads. Call either Appa or me when you reach home."

Your lips curl upwards in a sweet smile as several notifications ceaselessly pops up from your lock screen.

But that feeble curve drops in a wink as soon as you notice something else, Jungkook's photo in your lock screen.

The moment you signed the contract in Bang PD's office, you decided something and it is etched in your heart.

That is, not revealing your bias and enshrouding the crazy fangirl life of yours under a secret cloak, at any cost.

Principally because revealing your bias might brew some unwanted tea for your co-workers at your workplace, also you want to create a new persona, as you cringe at your old public persona to a level where you want to whack your younger self with a shovel.

And most importantly you don't want to be biased towards a single member out of the seven, anymore. You just want to throw off this bias concept, the freaky concept fostered by your teenage daydreams.

A bright sunflower field swaps Jungkook's pretty face in your lock screen.

The car comes to a halt in front of a familiar glass building, but it looks different from the last time.

"Y/n this is that Big Hit building right?", your uncle asks you dubiously as you get off his car.

You move towards his side window and firmly nod your head in an affirming way with a wide smile, though something inside you whispers that you're in the wrong place. You couldn't recognize this place although it seemed familiar.

But, you decide to sort it out by yourself as he is already getting late for his work and you don't want to trouble him more.

"Thank god! We are here on time. Will you get in the office on your own from here or shall I tag along with you?", he asks generously.

"It's okay uncle, I'll take care from here. You carry on with your work, it's already getting late for you."

Rendering a few safety related advice, he leaves from there.

You just stand there gazing at the car, till it evanesces from your sight.

Once the car turns around the street and vanishes from your vision, you turn towards the familiar yet unfamiliar glass building in front of you with a huge sigh.

Your Google map, good old memory everything indicates this location as the right destination, but where is the huge golden plate which says BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT? Where are the sensor doors? Where is the bustling, jammed road? Why does it look like an abandoned ghost bungalow?

Confusion oozes out from every cell of your system.

To worsen the situation blasting thunders echoes across the sky like heaven's drum-rolls.

Promptly from velvet clouds pours sleek rain and reaches your skin in moments.

"Hey lady, what's wrong with you? Yesterday you were roaming around freely like an untamed dragon in that beautiful clear sky, as if you own freedom itself. And today you cry fiercely? Are you going through a break up phase or what?", you yell your lungs out in frustration, looking up at the dark clouds above your head.

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