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Please watch the intro video on my youtube channel
I hope you will like it
Love you 😍

'Prince fought with everyone who was against his love.

He tried to convince her parents by saying how much he loves her but nothing seems to work.

Prince's brother who was there for him in his hard times also started to lose hope in his brother's love but our prince was so strong in his love for his woman.

He knows that their love has the power to win against the whole universe and after all this is just two kingdoms of them & their family.

Prince took a deep breath and said to his brother.

"I won't lose my hope brother because our love is so powerful and deep."

Prince's brother was so proud of his little brother that he was so matured and determined in his feelings.

He was moved by his brother's love for his woman.

"Everything will be fine, don't worry."

He consoled his brother. Prince also nodded.

As time passes, their love for each other also grew very stronger but seems like even if the universe starts to feel jealous of this couple, the princess's father started to prepare her married with his friendly kingdom prince.

Our prince came to know about this, he was broken but he was stronger than before.
He tried to reach her kingdom but as they were not on good terms it was hard for them to get inside.

He started to plan to get into the kingdom.
As he got an idea, time also flew. It was the day of the princess's marriage.
With his plan prince entered her kingdom and also came to know that today was his love's so-called marriage.

He rushed towards the palace. He hid from the security guards and reached the princess room's window.

He knocked on the glass. On the other side, the princess was a crying mess, crying from the day her father came to know about their love.

She argued, explained and tried to convince them but nothing worked. He locked her in her room and started to prepare for marriage which she does not know till yesterday night.

Prince was heartbroken by seeing his love crying.
He knocked it again, princess was so surprised and happy to see him.

She opened the glass door and the prince entered her room. They both hugged each other like there is no tomorrow.

They both were so happy as well as worried for their future.

"I w-was so worried, I thought I won't see you again. I m-missed you and your warmth"

the princess said in between her cries. Prince kissed her head and hugged her more tightly so that he can protect her and their love at any cost.

"Me too my love. I thought I would die by seeing you in another man's arms."

She hugged him tighter and cried in each other's arms. But suddenly the main door opened king and his soldiers entered.

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