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Taehyung introduced himself to Zara and gave his right hand for a handshake.

Zara was shocked by taehyung's handsome face.

She never thought that the person who is soon to be her fiancé was this good-looking.

Her ex? He was also handsome but him-. He has a very captive aura.

Zara shaked her hand a little realising where she is.

She quickly gave her hand for a shake.

"h-hi! I'm Zara. Nice meeting you."

They both shake their hands. He just nodded & went to his seat.

Both the family discussed business, their personal life and some old memories with laughs.

Soon their conversation came to an end with taehyung's mom changing the topic.

"I think Zara and taehyung need to talk a little bit and know each other. What do you guys think?"

she spoke and looked at Zara & taehyung

"Sure, mom"

Taehyung replied to his mom and looked at Zara.

He was not as nervous as Zara but he had a strange aura, hard to understand.

Taehyung stood up from his chair and started to walk toward the lawn area.

Zara quickly followed him to know him better.

He sat in a chair and started to check something on his phone while Zara slowly sat opposite him.

Don't know what to do,

She closely observed him.

'I need to admit this. he is so handsome and manly, but why is not talking. Maybe he won't talk too much? Let's wait for a little.'

She thought that it can be some important business he has on the phone.

A few mins passed but still, none of them speaks a word.

'Is he a cold & workaholic type of person or he is shy and waiting for me to start up a conversation?'

Zara was confused by his behaviour and finally tried to break the silence.

"How is your business going as you newly taken charge of your father's company?"

Taehyung quickly looked at Zara and said



'That's all? At least he needs to add two more words'

she was wanted to scream but can't

"Are you busy---"

she stopped her sentence to see his phone's reflection in the glass window behind him.

'Is he just scrolling down on Instagram?

Really? For god's sake. I thought he was doing some important regarding his business.'

She was completely annoyed by his attitude.

What is the use of this handsome face when he is a total jerk?

She took a deep breath to control her anger.

"Are you okay with this marriage?"

she asked quickly which made him look at her again.

"What do you mean?"

he said without any expression.

"I mean you look like you are not interested in this marriage, that's why- let me ask you again, are you interested in this marr-"

She got shocked as he started to walk toward their parents' table ignoring her words.

She doesn't know what to do.
She blinked her eyes a few times processing what was happening.

she followed him back slowly as she watched him talking to his & her parents.

What were they talking about?

As soon she went there all their attention turned towards her.

'What did he say about me?'

She was confused.

Soon her mother asked

"Are you okay with this marriage? cause

Taehyung told us he is okay with it. Now it depends on you"

I asked him a question but he comes and answer them. If he is ok with it then why he didn't answer me?'

she came to reality by her mother's voice talking to her father.

"Ha-ha-ha I like him so much. He is perfect to be my son-in-law."

Zara saw the smile on her mother & father's faces.

They were so happy with this and suddenly Lia's voice came into her mind.

' maybe staying with his memories can't help me any longer. To overcome him I need to try to get out of him, first.'

"I'm okay with this marriage."

She said which made taehyung look at her.

Maybe he thought after encountering his cold behaviour she will reject him like everyone but he is wrong.

Both their parents were so happy and Zara looked at taehyung who was already looking at her.

'being with him for a few mins itself is like a decade can I make up with him forever?'

" Okay, then we need to start the preparation of the ceremony."

Mr Kim said with his smile which ever left his face.

" Yeah, we should. What about having lunch together."

Mr Lee said look at mr. Kim waiting for a response.


A phone rang interrupting Kim

" hello"

Taehyung answered his phone

" I will be right there"

" mr.lee I'm sorry I can't come with you now. It's an emergency "

"It's okay taehyung let's have lunch together at our home."

He patted his shoulder.

Taehyung nodded and looked at his father for approval.

"It's ok taehyung you can go.
But I think why can't we hang out together."

He said looking at lee

" Yup! It's fun to hang out. It's been a while."

Mrs Kim insisted.

Taehyung smiled awkwardly

" Well, then it's good to enjoy without me"

He said and departed with a last glimpse at Zara.



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