You know that feeling you get when you see the perfect guy right in front of you for the very first time in your life? I guess that’s what they call ’love at first sight’. You get that warm, hot feeling inside, and your entire body tingles. You can’t seem to concentrate on anything but him. You immediately smile, your eyes widen, and you can’t seem to stand still. You constantly shoot him glances in hope for him to notice you. You bite your bottom lip, and smile. But then you realize your nothing but air to him. It’s like you don’t even exist. You feel heartbroken, and your head fills up with so many thoughts at once.
Well, my crush did make eye contact with me the very first day of High School. It was the year of 2011. Since it was the first day of school I had to take one bus to the train station, and then a second bus to school. Of course, I didn’t even think of trying the route out beforehand, and end up with sitting on the right bus… however just in the wrong direction.
And then I see these two guys walking across the street, looking for the right bus to ride for school. I didn’t know what bus they were searching for, even though I had a feeling they were looking for route 2 just like me. So I sat in my bus seat, just watching them without really getting a good view of their faces. I figured they were 1st years just like me, I giggled at the thought. I really wanted to get of the bus to ask them where they were heading; however I didn’t.
The two boys walked pass the bus. One of them walked really close to my window. Then he looked up at me. Our eyes met. He had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. They were brown, really brown. Like melted chocolate on a perfect summer day. I felt connection, however he just looked away and kept walking. He was cute, way too cute.
He was just as confused as I was in the search for the right bus.
Since I was so nervous for my first day at school, I didn’t really think about him that much. I think about him now and then, and still remember his eyes from that day
As the bus kept driving I got anxious. I had no idea where to get off. After almost 30 minutes I began wondering. “Why on earth am I not there yet?! Am I even on the right bus?!” I got scare. Suddenly I could see the shopping mall. That was when I realized I’d been going in the wrong direction. My tummy ached. I got off the bus at the mall, and called my dad to come pick me up. “How on earth could you go that far without even realizing it was the wrong route?!” he yelled at me. “It’s my first day, and in my defense, it was the right route, just the wrong direction… and my stomach hurts, so hurry” I begged. “You should’ve planned the route yesterday, this is unacceptable!” he kept scolding. “Yeah, okay! I know that now” I murmured back at him.
My dad drove me all the way to school, during his work hours… I felt bad for him.
We called the school to let them know I was gonna be late because of the busses. When I finally got there all the students sat on some stairs. And guess who was also sitting there. Yepp, chocolate-eye-guy from earlier that day. I got there right in time for the roll call, I was lucky to escape that embarrassment.
Anyway, he looked at me, and looked again. However he was avoiding eye contact with me. I couldn’t quite understand why…
And I was right about it all. He was a 1st year just like me, and he did go to the same school, and rode the same bus as me. However he rode it in the right direction and got there before me. Damn this sucks, cuz he saw me, and remembered me. I should’ve asked what school they attended, I would’ve been here in time, and I would’ve gotten to know him better…
Big mistake.
Well I have a lot, and I mean a lot of different stories about him. This is just the beginning, and it’s all true… sadly enough.
Let me know if you like it, or want more stories about chocolate-eyed-guy!