Four (Edited)

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"Who was that now", I ask Jungkook. "I don't know some guy I met at the store", he says closing the door behind the guy. "You are ridiculous, do you even know his name", I scoff. "Don't judge, you are no better Taehyung. How many people have you had over this week", he defends himself. "Jin is driving me crazy, so I am trying to fill the void he is making", Jungkook says. I roll my eyes, "you are such a drama queen. If he's smart he will stay away from both of us." "You cant tell me you dont crave him as much as I do", Jungkook states. 

Jin has been living across the hall from us for 4 weeks now and it's so hard not to pursue him like I want to. Some days he completely ignores us, and other days he is sweet and talkative driving us crazy with want.  One night there is a knock at the door and I look at Jungkook. "You expecting someone", I ask. "No", he says. "Then go get cleaned up you look all fucked out", I scold him. I open the door to see Jin standing there with a plate in his hands. "I baked some cookies with my niece and nephew and we had a bunch left over. I thought you and Jungkook might like them", he says shyly.

"Thank you so much, jeez you bake too, is there anything you don't do", I say taking the plate and inviting him in. I set the plate on the counter in the kitchen and take a big bite of one. I can't help but to moan at the taste, "Seokjin these are delectable, they literally melt in my mouth." He giggles and reaches out wiping something from the corner of my mouth. I grab his hand and lick his finger, he gasps and pulls away, turning away from me. 

I move closer to him, pinning him against the counter and bringing my mouth close to his, "dont you like me, Jin." His eyes widen and he pushes me away from him. "Taehyung, I think I should go", he protests. "Why, I want to get to know you. Is that so wrong", I ask. I lean into his ear, my breath on his skin making him shiver. "And I think you want to get to know me. I see the way you look at me", I tease him.

 "Having fun without me", I hear Jungkook say. He comes closer, "what are you two talking about." "Im asking Seokjin if he is going to let me get to know him better", I say. Jungkook takes Jin's hand and pulls him to his chest, "of course he doesn't, he wants to get to know me." Jin gulps, not sure what to do or say next. The blush on his cheeks make him glow than he already does. "C-can't I get to know both of you", he says in almost a whisper. Jungkook leans down and pecks his lips, and he lets him. 

I slide my hands under Jin's shirt. Fuck his skin is so soft. Grazing my finger over one nipple makes him squirm."You have kept us at arm's length, why", Jungkook asks. "Because you two don't commit to anyone. Do you think for a minute that I dont see the barrage of men and women who come in and out of your apartment. You want to fuck me and then treat me like shit, ignore me", he finally pushes us away and walks into the living room. 

We all look at each other,"exactly, you two even can't even deny it, how many did I see this week alone." He scoffs and shakes his head, "I'd be an idiot if I gave you what you want. How about I stay out of your way and you stay out of mine. Goodnight." He walks out of the apartment and I look at Jungkook, speechless. "He's right you know. I dont want to do that to him, he is better than that ", I say. "I agree. So what do you want to do", Jungkook asks.

"We need to make him see that we don't want to hurt him, that we might want to try to be monogamous", I say. "What makes you think he wants to date us both", he asks. "I see the way he looks at both of us, if that isnt what he wants, then I am seeing something different", I explain. "I think we need to take him on a real date. Take him out and show him that we can be good guys, that we can treat him like a prince", Kook says. "Are you okay dating the same person", I ask smiling. "Are you going to let me have him", he asks. "Hell No", I say. "And I'm sure as hell not letting you have him. So yes, we are both going to date him", Jungkook says. 


The next day at work Shiloh and I are on a break as the kids nap. "Would you choose to be with someone that you really like even if you knew they could eventually break your heart", I ask. "That is a very deep question Seokjin, Is the person worth a heartbreak, hearts heal you know. It takes time, but they do. Is the person that will break your heart worth the pain", she asks taking my hand. "I think so, at least I hope so", I say. "Then I guess you have your answer", she says smiling. 

 "For being young you sure are wise", I say pinching her cheeks. "Yea, yea whatever. We are the same age", she laughs and takes my hand again. "Ive never really felt like this before about anyone", I confess. "If you don't take the leap, you will never know. You are an amazing person Seokjin. If this person is stupid enough to hurt you then you don't need them. But I bet once they get to know you, they won't be able to live without you", she says hugging me.

I arrive home to find a note and a rose stuck to my door. I can't help but smile and grab it before going inside. I set my keys down and sit on the couch. Smelling the rose, I open the note. 

Dearest Seokjin

We want to apologize for making you think that you were only a one night stand to us. That couldn't be further from the truth. Honestly when we first met you we did have thoughts of making you our next conquest but as the weeks went by and we got to know you, we are totally head over heels for you and want to ask you out on a date. We want to prove to you that you are more to us than just a one night stand. You have become very special to us, please say yes, don't make two grown men grovel on their knees at your door.

Your crazy neighbors,

Kook and Tae

I can't help but laugh. Shiloh is right, I'll never know if I don't take the leap. I walk across the hall and with a slight hesitation I knock. They both open the door immediately and I can't help but giggle. "Thank you for the rose and the beautiful note. I would love to go on a date with you both", I say. "Seriously, you mean it", Taehyung says picking me up and hugging me. I feel Jungkook behind us hugging me too. These two are crazy, please don't let my choice backfire on me, please god.


Tae and I are at work the next day trying to come up with the best place to take Jin on a date. Restaurants and movies are so overdone. We aren't used to taking people out so this is new for us, we have been here for over two hours and can't think of anything. "I got it", I say. I make several phone calls and after arranging everything, I text Jin telling him to be ready at 6 and to have an overnight bag packed. He texts back and asks if 7 would be okay that he has an appointment at 6. After work Tae and I head home to pack and get things ready. 

I took a quick shower, and at around 6 I hear Jin come home and about 5 minutes later I hear a knock on his door. I again look thru the peephole to see that same blonde guy at Jin's door, he lets him with a smile. Who is that fucking guy, we need to try to get Jin to open up to us, if we are going to be together he needs to start being honest with us and I be damned that I put my heart out there for him to break it by cheating. 

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