Returning to the Overworld

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Leroy, Nickle, Chips, Cheya and Uni return to Nickle's house. Leroy wanted to head back to the Overworld to check on the Yellow Kingdom. "Leroy, are you sure you're okay now?" Nickle asks. "I'm fine. Don't worry." He says. Leroy grabs the book and says the chant. They all enter the Overworld. Leroy's apprentice noticed them all come in. "Oh hello." He says. Leroy stands up. He still had a bandage over his chest from his artery getting damaged. "Leroy, what happened to you?" His apprentice asks. "Oh just an attack with a murderer." Leroy says. "A what?" His apprentice says. "Never mind. How's everything going here?" Leroy asks. "Everything is fine Leroy. You don't have to worry." His apprentice says, "But earlier today, we caught someone on the outskirts of the Yellow Kingdom." "Oh. Did anyone catch what they look like?" Chips asks. "No. But the yellow steves say they retreated to the forest." The apprentice says. "I better go take a look." Leroy says. "We'll come too." Nickle says, "The person could maybe be the Yellow Steve we saw yesterday." She said that in a whisper that time. Leroy nodded. He gestured for the others to come and they all left for the forest. But before they reached the entrance, Hunter Green Steve appeared. "Hey!" He exclaims. They all jumped when he appeared from behind a building. "Jesus Hunter Green Steve. You are so sneaky." Chips says. "Eh. Story of my life." He says. Leroy rolls his eyes. "What's up?" He asks. "My apprentice says the Yellow Steves caught someone on the outskirts of the kingdom so we are going to look." Leroy says. Hunter Green Steve nods. "I'll come too." He says. Leroy nods. They all go to the forest. Leroy held his hand over his wound on his chest because it was still sore. Leroy looked at his hand. It was still becoming a much more clear navy color. Leroy wasn't a navy steve but his skin had some navy parts on it on some parts of his body. He dismissed that as he did have the navy diamond powering him. It was just different. But then a noise brought Leroy out of his thoughts. They all looked around for where the noise came from. "Stand by guys." Leroy says. But then something rushes past the trees. Leroy unsheathes his sword. Hunter Green Steve and Chips pull out their guns. "Who's there?" Leroy shouts. But before they could do anything else, the thing jumps out from behind a tree and onto Leroy. "Leroy!" Nickle exclaims. Leroy holds back the persons arm as they were trying to stab him. But when Leroy got a look at the person, he gasps. The person finally looks over Leroy and gasps too. Leroy pushes the person off. They both get up. "Leroy, are you okay?" Uni asks. Leroy didn't respond. He was staring at the person in disbelief. "Leroy, is that really you?" The person asks. Leroy looks at him in complete shock. "It is me. But, is that really you?" He asks. "It's me, Lee." The person says. Leroy gasps and hugs him immediately. The others looked at each other confused. "Leroy, you know this person?" Chips asks. "Yeah. He's my brother." Leroy says.

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