The Last Choice

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"Yes. I am him. After I died, the darkness corrupted my spirit. Turning me into... Death Steve!" The murderer exclaims. Leroy gasps. "So you disguised yourself as a Yellow Steve and tried to frame me for all these murders? Why?" He exclaims angrily. "Why? WHY!" Death Steve exclaims grabbing Leroy by the throat, "I'll tell you why. You forgot about me and didn't even care I died. I wanted to frame you and get you out of the way so I could destroy Earth and kill all your friends here so you would no longer be here and your friends would be gone too. I found an extra book that has the chant to go to Earth and have been entering over and over again for a long time." He drops him. Leroy stares at him shocked. "I never forgot about you!" He exclaims. "Of course you did! You didn't even care!" Death Steve exclaims, "So I decided to take everything away from you like you took everything away from me." "I didn't kill you. You killed yourself for me! Besides you were my friend and I would never have killed you!" Leroy exclaims. "No. You were involved in it. It's your fault. So it's time for your last choice Leroy." Death Steve says. But then he puts his hand up in the air and snaps then all his friends who had disappeared appears floating above in cages. Leroy gasps. "Guys!" He exclaims, "What have you done?" "Oh I haven't done anything." Death Steve says. "You killed two of my friends and captured the rest! You've done enough that you must die here!" Leroy exclaims. "I'm not the one dying tonight. Plus, it's your fault all this happened." Death Steve says. "No. It wasn't my fault!" Leroy exclaims. Death Steve chuckles. "Of course it was. You wanted to be king and you set all this to-" "I never even wanted to be king! I only did it because the Yellow Leader had to pass on the torch! Plus, my friends who have died already wanted me to become king and so did everyone else. I couldn't back down from it." Leroy interrupts him. His friends stare in shock. "Tell me who is dying. If it's not you then who is it?" Leroy asks. Death Steve smiles. "You." He says. Leroy gasps. They all gasp. "Leroy no!" Nickle exclaims from their cage. Leroy tries to rush at Death Steve but he scratches over Leroy's eye making him stagger back. "Leroy!" Lee exclaims. "What do you want me to do?" Leroy asks. "You die and your friends leave here alive or stay alive and all your friends will die." Death Steve says pointing his gun up at them all. Leroy gasps. He looks up at all his friends. They all were staring down at him pleading for him to get out of there. Leroy looked at them all heartbroken from everything. His heart was already completely shattered and could never be healed. From everyone he has already lost and seeing all his friends being captured and could die right there, he knew there was no way out but for him to die. He was truly a King fighting Hell itself. Dying would mean he is going to the World Below as he had already been revived once. But he would rather face the demons than see all his friends have to die in front of him. He sighed. "I will give up my life. In exchange for my friends." He says. All his friends gasp. Shadow Sabre looks down from his cage sadly knowing this was going to happen. Death Steve smiles. "You're the king." He says. He breaks most of the cages and his friends fall to the floor. They all had the weakness effect on them so they could not fight at all. Leroy looks up. Shadow Sabre was still in his cage. "All of my friends!" He exclaims. "Ha! After everything he did before with murder and corruption, you still call him a friend?" Death Steve asks. Shadow Sabre sighs sadly. "Release him! Now!" Leroy exclaims angrily. Death Steve rolls his eyes. "Very caring." He says. He breaks Shadow's cage and he falls to the ground. He also had the weakness effect. He looks at Leroy. "Thank you Leroy." He says. He looks at Hunter Green Steve. "I'm sorry." He says. "I know." Hunter Green Steve says tearing up. "Now your turn." Death Steve says. Leroy looks at him. He sighs. "This was my choice. I'll do what you need me to." He says. "Take off your crown." Death Steve says cocking his pistol. Nickle gasps. Leroy looks at it. He sighs and takes it off. "Drop it." Death Steve says. Leroy sighs and drops it. It hits the ground next to him. Death Steve sighs and aims the pistol at Leroy. Leroy looks at all his friends. Then he shuts his eyes. "Long live the king..." Death Steve says silently. Then he fires the bullet. But then, a shield appears around Leroy knocking the bullet to the ground. Death Steve gasps. Leroy looks up and gasps too. "What the hell? I removed your powers! How?" Death Steve exclaims. "I know you did. I didn't do that." Leroy says. Death Steve scoffs. "If I can't shoot you. I will stab you instead." He says unsheathing a sword. He then rushed at Leroy. Leroy was too distracted by the fact a shield appeared without him using his powers. But before he could even move, he looked up and saw Death Steve and that was the last thing he noticed. Death Steve stabs Leroy in the abdomen hitting an artery again. This was a weak spot for Leroy. One that was deadly. Leroy gasps. He looks down at his stomach. The sword definitely was impaled through his stomach. Blood was dripping out of the wound. Death Steve whispers in Leroy's ear, "You will burn." He then rips out the sword. Leroy groans and hunches over. Death Steve backs away from Leroy smiling. Leroy stared at him. Then he falls to his knees. He falls to the ground. He tries to hold himself up but then he loses consciousness. Everyone looked on in shock. Death Steve then laughs loudly.

A King Vs Hell; Book #5Where stories live. Discover now