Chapter 3- Palace life: START

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"Yes, FUTURE! Didn't I make that clear already? Do you know what common sense is? Well obviously not, you're so rude! And who are you to speak to me like that-" 

"SILENCE AT ONCE! I am the prince here and that is the highest status! You have no right to speak with me like that!"

"Yikes okay then!"

"Since you are completely unaware of anything, you have to choices. Either you are executed or you stay here and work as a servant. The choice is yours."

"Work for you! No way!

"Okay then." 

He had no hesitation drawing his sword and pointing it at her neck.

"I'll make this quick," he said 

"Wait! I'll become a servant just don't kill me!" she exclaimed 

"Very well then. I'll clear out a cellar for you." He put the sword back and walked away

'ugh, when will it rain again..' she miserably thinks

However, her thoughts are interrupted by a scrawny voice.

"Girl, your cellar is ready. Come collect your clothes!" 

"Alright.."  she sorrowfully says

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