4. HIS First Meet

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After 2 weeks of rest, Aarush's bandage was removed and he tried to plead his father again for his bike before going to college.

"Dad...Please...I'll be careful..." He said with the utmost puppy face possible but all Manik could see was his face with injuries from the other day.

"Aarush...If there's anything else you want to say, you can...And if it's only this, then I suggest you not to waste your time...You are getting late..." Manik said in a strict tone.

Aarush sighed in defeat and walked to the door but turned again and asked "Final dad...!??"

"Manik Malhotra never goes back on his words...You are not going to drive a bike again and that's it...Now go..." Manik declared and Aarush stomped his foot and left the place ignoring his mother's call for breakfast.

A year passed and Aarush was in 2nd year exam time.

One morning, when Nandini was arranging the breakfast table, Manik came after getting ready for office and sat after pecking her cheek making her blush.

"Where's everyone...!??" He asked and Nandini replied while serving "Papa's friend has invited for a gathering...Maa ji and Papa went there...And Maa went to temple...Aarush is getting ready..."

"Ohhhhhh" He dragged and pulled her on to his lap making her gasp.

"Manik...What are you doing...!? Koi dekh lega..." She said trying to get up but he pushed her back and nuzzled into her neck saying "Amnesia hai kya tumhe...!?? Just now you said everyone went out...toh...!??"

"But...Aaru...hai na..." She said getting lost in his sweet kisses.

"It's been long time Nandu..." He said while dropping feather kisses and Nandini mumbled slowly "It's just a week back we made out Manik..."

"Oh no..." Aarush freaked making both of them jerk and Nandini stood from his lap while Aarush sighed and said walking towards them "Grow up guys...Bache nai ho abhi... And aap logon ko romance ki padi hai...In this age...!?? You have got a son who is an adult..."

Nandini turned to the other side while Manik raised his eyebrows and tapped on Aarush's head making him whine and said "Haan...Adult hai but he doesn't know that love doesn't have an age limit..."

"Oh really...!?" Aarush asked sarcastically while sipping his juice.

"Yes...and don't worry...When you find someone, you will understand the logic and magic of love..." Manik said making Aarush roll his eyes and said "Very funny dad...That's not going to happen...Because I have better things to do..."

"Better things...!? Like...!?" Manik asked and Aarush stood and said "Like going to college now..." and kissed his mother's cheek and ran to his car where his driver was waiting.

Manik gave a confused look at Nandini and asked "Are you sure yeh...mera hi beta hai na...!?? I mean...hospital mein kuch gadbad hua kya...!??"

Nandini rolled her eyes and smacked on his shoulder slightly and they chuckled at their own joke.

Days rolled by and his 2nd years results too came where he stood 2nd in his department but he didn't feel bad for anything rather he was happy that he learnt more,keeping his father's words in mind.

Aarush was in 3rd year and one of his classmates got seated beside him at the parking lot when they bunked their classes as it was Saturday and weekend mode and Abhay too was absent.

"Aarush...Let's go to pub tonight...Tell your Mom that we have group studies..." His friend said.

"Shut up...You know na...I'll never lie to my parents...and moreover, I don't drink..." Aarush said looking at the juniors who were coming their way.

His friend rolled his eyes and said "Enjoy your youth man..."

"I know how to enjoy...And my dad has given me so much of lenience that I can never do it behind their backs...I have the privilege to go and tell him that I want to drink and he himself will get me one...But I'll never break their trust..." Aarush said in a determined tone.

He thought about his father's words and his thoughts broke when he saw his friend calling out a junior girl to rag making him roll his eyes. He turned to the other side to take his bag and his friend was asking her name.

"Ritika Nair...1st year sir..." She replied and her voice made Aarush to turn back and look at her.

She was wearing a white chudidhar and was as simple as she can, making him stare at her continuously. Her eyes fell on him to have an eye contact and his heart skipped a beat looking at her eyes.

He forwarded his hand to her and said "Aarush Malhotra...YOUR SENIOR..."

Her touch melted his insides but she was quick to withdraw her hand and bent her head down. His friend continued to ask questions about her and she was answering him while Aarush was lost in her innocence.

"Native...!?" His friend asked.

"Kerala Sir"

"Parents...!?" He asked and she gulped and paused for a second making Aarush come back to reality and hear her saying "Papa government employee and Maa homemaker Sir..."

"Where...!?" He asked and she replied "At native only sir...I stay in hostel..."

All of a sudden, Aarush lifted her head holding her chin and said "Why are you looking down...!? Never bend your head unless and until you make a mistake..."

He repeated the words that Manik has always told him and if he was not wrong, he saw a glint of admiration in her eyes and nodded her head with a little smile.

He moved back realizing his friend's presence and eyed her to walk and said to his friend "I'll be back" and walked along with her.

They walked in silence till her class while stealing glances at each other without getting noticed to one another.

"That's your class..." He said and she gave a nod and said "Thank you"

Aarush smiled awkwardly not knowing what to talk and said "Umm...Bye..."

She entered into the class and sat in the third bench while he turned back and looked at her for one more time and walked out.

Meanwhile in the classroom, the girls beside her and back of her introduced among themselves to Ritika and then asked "Is he your boyfriend...!??"

"No" She said immediately and then said "Our senior"

"Ohh...Then we can try...He is damn hot..." One girl said.

"Hai na...! He is super handsome..." Another one said making Ritika roll her eyes a little without their notice and the professor entered to divert their attention.

Ignore mistakes...

MaNan SS - Your Senior (Sequel to My Senior) ✅Where stories live. Discover now