Six: Wondering About Each Other

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After saying I'd come home, Tanjiro and I just lied there. He was so warm. I'd been out in the cold for an entire day and night. I was freezing.

"Can we stay like this for a little longer?" I asked, closing my eyes. "Sure, just a little bit longer though." Tanjiro said, sounding kind of tired.

About 5 minutes passed, and Tanjiro stood up. I stood up after him. "Damn it's cold." I complained. Tanjiro looked at me and smiled.

"Of course you're cold, you've been out here since yesterday, and it's a colder Fall this year than it usually is." He said, taking off his haori and handing it to me. I didn't say anything, I just took it and put it on. "Yeah." I said, looking down.

We headed back to the cabin and when we got there, I sat down on the couch, still very cold. I was still wearing Tanjiro's haori, I don't know why, but it was a lot bigger on me than it was on him. I'm not shorter than him by more than a centimeter, I guess I'm just... weird? Wonder what he thinks about the size of his haori. I shook the thought off and curled into a ball underneath the back of the haori and fell asleep.


When we got back to the cabin, I immediately went into the kitchen, Inosuke sat on the couch, Zenitsu went into the bedroom, and Nezuko stayed in her box, which was sitting on the floor. I went into the kitchen to get a damp rag and a few ice packs. The rag was to clean Inosuke's cuts, the ice packs were for his bruises. I grabbed what I needed and went into the living room, but Inosuke was sleeping. I decided to let him rest and then I put everything back.

I didn't really have anything to do, so I started cleaning. I wondered what Inosuke was dreaming about. Probably being the king of the mountain or something similar. I just continued to clean the cabin, thinking about what Inosuke could have been dreaming about.

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter. I'm kind of unmotivated from writing the previous two chapters so quickly. I'll try to make the next chapter longer, I promise!

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