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Hong Joshua is a support rider sent by the Crown with a sole mission of infiltration. Or that's what his official orders are at least. In reality, he only took this job because he wants to visit Domino Isle and get away from the kingdom of Attacca.

Which, would be a hell of a lot easier if the higher-ups trusted him enough to carry out this task alone.

Joshua sneaks a glace at the dragons and their riders escorting him, quickly looking away when he meets eyes with the rumblehorn on his left. Hopefully Jeno isn't suspicious, he thinks to himself, wincing as an echo of pain shoot through his ribcage. His body still aches from the last time he got caught disobeying his majesty.

"Kim Doyoung you freaking asshat" He mumbles to himself, momentarily forgetting about the envoy around him.

One of the riders on his left shouts something about being 100 meters away and Joshua's looks down at the series of islands in the waters below.

Welp, guess it's too late to back out now.

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