Track One.

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Soft footsteps thump along the carpeted floors as the white haired man paces back and forth in the flock leader's office. His cat-like eyes shift around nervously, and his long, slender tail sways aimlessly, one of the flukes almost knocking over a vase. In the mans hands was a stuffed fish toy and he was squeezing it subconciously as he walked.

It took 4 more laps around the flock leader's desk before the other man in the room spoke up.

"Seungcheol, relax," he chided, reaching a hand out for the other to grab before continuing. "There's no need to stress out over a diplomatic meeting with the king's envoys."

The man, Seungcheol, didn't look convinced.

"That's great that you're able to not stress, but me on the other hand?" The man let out a sarcastic 'ha'.

The other man sighed, attempting to drop his head onto his desk only for it to be caught by his dragon's smooth tail. He shoots a look of annoyance at the dragon, but the beast was unfazed, his tail rubbing small circles around the sensitive skin on the underside of his chin.

The human tugged the tail lightly, and the dragon yelped playfully, instantly recoiling his tail and rubbing it as if he needed to soothe the 'pain'. "Hannie" The dragon whined, a fake pout on his face. "That wasn't nice"

The flock leader, 'Hannie', seemed to not be affected by the pout of puppy eyes he was recieving, and got up to get ready to meet the envoys. With a reluctant sigh, Seungcheol set his fish plush on the desk and followed, tail swaying slowly.

[ ᰔᩚ ]

Joshua's fingers danced on his legs as he fidgeted. The ensemble of King Doyoung's lackeys were still flanking him from all sides, making any hopes of escaping impossible.

Just as the silence was about to become unbareable, the flock leader appeared, his dragon following close behind.

Both the man and his dragon were dressed in sophisticated silks and oiled leathers. Joshua had to make a concious effort to keep his jaw from dropping as he reveled in the beauty of the blonde and silver marvels infront of him.

One of the commanding officers next to him stepped forward with a short bow. "Flock leader Jeonghan, Seungcheol" he said, giving both of the men a firm handshake.

The two men reciprocated the handshake and offered a curt bow of their own. "Commanding Officer Jeno, Missionaries Renjun and Jaemin, Winglets Haechan, Chenle, Jisung" Jeonghan addressed each of Joshua's escorts before turning to him with a polite smile.

"I don't believe we've met before honorable guest, please accept my most gracious welcome. I truly hope our humble isle proves worthy of a lord of the court and advisor of the crown."

Another bow, this time more exaggerated and playful.

Joshua offered a small smile as he bowed in return. "You claim to have never met me, yet you are aware of my official title in the royal palace"

Jeonghan's smile seemed to become more genuine as he offered a coy reply. "I am a man of vast knowledge, your lordship"

Maybe it was a play of the light, but it Joshua could've sworn Jeonghan's eyes sparkled as he met the elder's gaze.

The dragon suddenly spoke, drawing the attention of the room. "To what do we owe this visit?" he asked smoothly. Joshua held himself back from flinching at the dragon's low rumbles.

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