Track Three.

79 8 2

tw: mentions of blood and various injuries

The fiery, orange dragon sprinted to the med bay as soon as he descended on the landing zone, carrying a ghostly pale Jihoon. Blood dripped as he ran, the red color coating the dragon's feet and talons.

The stench of burned flesh reeked throughout the headquarters. Soonyoung knew it was late, and he shouldn't be banging on Junhui's door at this hour of the night, but Jihoon needed help, now.

When Jun didn't answer the door, Soonyoung almost crumbled to the floor. He wanted to melt into a puddle of hopelessness and misery, a suitable fate for a failure of a dragon like himself. He would've given up then normally, but this is his rider's life in his hands.

Soonyoung wiped a tear from the unconsious human's face, Jihoon was losing blood, and quickly.

In a spur of the moment thought, Soonyoung remembered that the kingdom-sent addition to their flock was a support rider like Jun. The dragon didn't know if he could trust Joshua yet, but currently the risks outweighed his sense of self preservation.

So he ran.

He ran faster than he'd ever run before, almost plowing through the rest of the flock's housing and the various buildings that were blocking him from reaching Joshua. His gut instinct was to burn everything. To burn everyone.

His senses were in overdrive and his heart was threatening to leap out of his chest, but he couldn't stop. So he ran faster, and faster, and faster. He kept running until he got to the support rider's personal quarters.

Soonyoung considered knocking, but before he could, his body had already moved on it's own and he had kicked the door in. He screamed for Joshua to wake up even though just inhaling made his lungs hurt. He screamed again despite the shots of pain in his throat, all of his blood, sweat and tears mixing on his face as he panted.

He hadn't even realized he was bleeding. The pressure to get his rider to safety and the

He hadn't even realized he was bleeding until now. The need to get Jihoon to safety and the adrenaline from the fight against that other dragon prevented him from feeling any pain. But now that it was wearing off, everything came rushing back to Soonyoung.

The talons scratching at them, the fire, Jihoon's screams.

The blood.

Oh god, the blood.

A firm hand gripped Soonyoung's shoulder, steadying his erratic shaking. The dragon hadn't even realized he was shaking. Clearly there's a lot he doesn't realize. If it wasn't for him, Jihoon wouldn't be hurt.

If it wasn't for him, Jihoon might've had a chance at surviving the night.

A harsh voice broke Soonyoung out fo his thoughts, and the dragon looked up, locking eyes with a very, very, very angry Joshua. "Get your head out of your ass and help me get him to the infirmary" the older man all but growled.

Soonyoung gulped, and quickly did as he was told.

Maybe it was a trick of the light, or maybe he was hallucinating after his traumatic experience, but as they rushed Jihoon to the med bay, he could've sworn that Joshua's eyes burned red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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