Chapter 8

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The next morning we woke to the sound of the landline ringing furiously out in the living room.
Groaning I rolled over and started to get up to answer it. Eddie sat up and held onto my hand, pulling me gently back into bed with him.
"Nooo stay here with me. Let it ring."
I smiled and gave in to his sleepy voice, snuggling back down into bed with him. He immediately tucked his face into the crook of my neck and grabbed my leg, pulling it over him to get as close to me as possible. I couldn't help smiling at how cute he was.
Never thought I'd be cuddling up with Eddie Munson, that's for sure.
I couldn't hear the phone anymore, the ringing replaced by Eddie's soft breathing that slowed as he fell back to sleep. Even in his sleep he snuggled closer to me with a faint smile.
I'm literally in heaven right now.
The peaceful nap lasted about 15 minutes before I jolted awake again to the scariest sound we could have heard out here: knocking.

Not caring about his sleepy voice anymore I jumped out of bed and yanked on some clothes as quickly as possible. Eddie hadn't heard the knocks and had woken up from my movement so he sat up slowly without a care in the world.
"Well good morning to you too sweet-"
"Eddie," I warned, holding a finger to my lips.
"What? I can't say good morning to my beautiful-"
"Eddie shush," I whispered, walking over and grabbing his hands in mine. He looked confused but lowered his voice.
"Okay okay...You're cute when you're pissed at me. Just thought you should know."
I rolled my eyes, giving him a quick kiss before snapping back to the reality of our situation.
"Did you not hear that? Someone fucking knocked, Eddie."
His dreary eyes shot open, his body tensing as he looked towards the door.
"Like right outside the door?"
"No no, front door. Fucking Christ Eddie what do we do?"
He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped a comforting arm around my waist. The knocking started up again louder this time, jolting us both.
"You think that's Jason? Or maybe the whole town took a field trip to hunt the freak. Wouldn't that be lovely?"
"Eddie," I whispered, a lump forming in my throat, "this is fucking bad."
He nodded grimly, staring at my hands wrapped around his.
Faint voices could be heard out in the front yard and Eddie shut his eyes and squeezed my hands tightly.
"I don't want them to hurt you for being here with me. Maybe you can sneak out the back before-"
"God Eddie I'm not sneaking anywhere. I'm staying with you whether you like it or not. But we have to figure this out and fast."
He smiled and looked up at me.
"Always the hero, aren't you?"
I felt my eyes tearing up a little, his soft brown eyes so sad and yet so full of love and admiration. I put my hand against his cheek and held him, gently stroking it with my thumb to comfort him.
He leaned into my hand and grabbed onto my arm, clinging to me.
Shit just got real. Like really real.

The yelling was louder now and we could hear multiple voices calling out.
I was prepared to lead him out the back door and run but Eddie raised an eyebrow and gently stood up, still holding onto my hand tightly. We crept out of the bedroom and neared the front door, listening for the voices again.
I didn't know why Eddie was being so reckless all of a sudden but it made me nervous.
A look of recognition and relief crept onto Eddie's face and I looked at him in confusion.
"Henderson?," Eddie called out.
"And Robin!," a girl called out.
"Plus me, Nance, Lucas, and Max," another guy yelled.
"Shit. About fucking time assholes," Eddie chuckled, swinging the door open.
Laying eyes on the ragtag crew standing on our porch, I felt my own body relax. I knew these guys from random things over the years but they were all good people. Plus I knew the kids were in Eddie's club so they were definitely on his side.
"You were expecting them?," I asked.
All eyes settled on me.
"Did NOT see that one coming," Steve muttered.
Eddie scoffed and turned to me.
"Eventually. Looks like they finally decided to show up."
Nancy, Max, and Lucas rolled their eyes.
Dustin piped up, "Maybe if you answered the phone we wouldn't have taken so long. We couldn't track you down anywhere."
"Yeah that's kinda the point of hiding, kid," Eddie chuckled. Dustin shrugged and pushed his way into the house. Robin followed immediately behind him, running into the kitchen to raid the fridge.
"Beer and ketchup. Looks about right," she said over her shoulder.
The rest of the group stepped inside and shut the door. Suddenly our living quarters was full of people and three times as many allies.

"So. Did you guys bring me anything?"
Nancy held a bag out to Eddie.
"Amazing, you remembered the six pack. Thanks Wheeler."
Nancy smiled and looked at Steve, who was eyeing the bag in disbelief.
"You really wanna impair your judgement right now Munson? You're not concerned about being a wanted man in the slightest?"
Eddie shrugged and set the bag on the table, tugging a can out of the package and cracking it open.
"Hey I'm gonna need a lot of liquid courage if you want me to do any heroic crazy shit," Eddie said, taking a swig of the beer.
"He's kinda right Eddie. Maybe wait until we're somewhere safer," I said, gently removing the can from his hands and tucking it back into the case.
He looked at me for a second before shrugging and plopping onto the couch. My simple gesture caught the attention of the group and I could see them giving each other looks of confusion and possibly respect for corralling Eddie.

"So we had a plan like I said earlier before you decided to ignore the radio AND our calls. Things have slightly changed since then. The cops and now the whole town's looking for you," Dustin said, "and they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."
Eddie's face fell. He had predicted a Hawkins witch-hunt since the first day he'd been here but now it was all setting in with the kids he once took under his wing now standing in his living room trying to protect him.
"Well if the whole town's out for blood," Eddie sighed, standing up off the couch, "Then you guys have to get out of here. Take this one with you if you can."
He gestured at me and I shook my head and lay a hand on his arm.
"I already said I'm not leaving you Munson, get it through your thick skull," I smirked, turning to face the group.
"Asshole can't accept it. You guys are here for him too now so it's official: we've all got your back. Quit trying to get rid of us, yeah?"
He crossed his arms and huffed but the upturned corner of his mouth told me he liked what I had to say.

The rest of the group kept flicking their eyes between me and Eddie trying to figure out what they were witnessing. I took the opportunity to address them myself since Eddie was quiet for the time being.
"Tell me there's real food in there," I laughed, gesturing at the bag of beer.
Nancy broke the tension.
"Yeah there should be some oatmeal, chips, and takeout in there."
"Perfect," I said, grabbing the bag and carrying it to the kitchen.
"Aw don't take the beer with you too babe hold on," Eddie whined, following me. He hopped up on the counter and watched me unpack everything, swiping at the beers when he thought I wasn't looking and getting swatted away because I was, in fact, looking. Most of the others muttered amongst themselves in the living room but not everyone.
Robin made her way over to investigate the snacks and I let her take a beer which made Eddie glare at me.
"I'm the one being hunted and she gets a beer but I don't?"
Me and Robin laughed and I begrudgingly handed Eddie the open can from earlier. He nodded at Robin and she held out her can to him.
"Cheers to liquid courage. We're definitely gonna need it," she said.
After taking a sip Eddie looked between me and Robin and leaned in so the others wouldn't hear him.
"Alright so do they really have a plan or is Henderson just bullshitting me?"
"He's got, like, the outline of a plan."
"Oh well that's comforting," Eddie hissed.
"He's saved Max so far so he's doing something right. I mean technically me and Nancy saved her cuz we broke into some insane asylum and grilled that dude for information but-"
"You did what now," I asked incredulously.
Robin grinned and shrugged.
"It was no big deal. We just got chased by some guards and narrowly escaped going to jail. Not the worst thing that's happened to this group by a long shot."
Eddie's mouth dropped open. He high-fived Robin and laughed.
"Holy shit! That's pretty metal. Nice work."

From across the living room Dustin called out to us.
"Hey guys? Get over here. We might have figured out what to do now."

Eddie (self-insert x character)Where stories live. Discover now