Chapter 15

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Hawker's POV

The CavernWing guards held two spears in front of Hawker and his friends.

"Who are you? Why are you in our city?" The guard asked. His gem-flecks were a shimmering amethyst, and his wings were a dark brown.

"Quartz! Sapphire! What are you two doing with these strange dragons?"
The other guard asked.
Her scales were blue, a bit like Sapphire's, but lighter.

"Hi Amethyst, Hi Turquoise." Sapphire said.

"I found these strange dragons wandering around in the tunnels! They were lost, and they are looking for Their friend. And guess what? They are from the Overworld!"

"Wow. Have you taken them to see Diamond yet?" Turquoise asked.

"No, we were doing that now." Sapphire said.

"Ok, but since you have visitors, it is still our duty to escort you to the queen." Amethyst said.

Hawker was listening to this conversation, and he thought that Amethyst, Turquoise, Quartz, and Sapphire must be friends.

They started walking again, but then Sapphire said "I have to go now, there's an important meeting I have to get to."

"Of course, go ahead." Turquoise said.
Sapphire walked away into the winding streets, and disappeared between two mushroom houses.

"That was weird." Pine muttered to Elfin.

They continued walking through the streets of the underground city, when they turned the corner, and the palace loomed up before them. It was one big base mushroom, with smaller ones growing like towers or rooms off of it.

They walked inside, and Hawker gasped. Tiny mushrooms glowed along the walls, and small gems lined the walls. The group of dragon walked down the halls, through open courtyards, down and up spiraling staircases, until they reached the throne room.

It was magnificent. There was a thorn made out of diamonds, and a emerald chandelier. Gems and mushrooms were  covering the walls, making different patterns that swirled and twisted into each other.

And there was a dragon on the throne. She was, by far, the biggest dragon Hawker had ever seen. Bigger then Queen Wasp, that's was defiantly true.

Quartz bowed, and the others followed suit.

"You may rise." Diamond said.
They stood up.
"Quartz, welcome home, daughter."

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