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"Do we really have to physically sit for our portraits?" Jeremiah asked making Connie and I a hangover smoothie, "Can't she just like look at a picture on her phone or something?"

Susannah, being the wonderful artist and mom she is, is forcing us all to sit and have our portraits painted by her over the summer. I didn't mind too much, because it meant that I would have time to sit and talk to her, but I would honestly rather be doing something else.

Laurel continued typing on her computer, "She needs to see you in the flesh to capture your essence. While you're still young and full of hope."

I snorted at that.

Sometimes Susannah can be a little... different... but it only made me love her more.

"Well Conrad does not have hope, actually, he is hopeless, but my hangover smoothie cures all," Jeremiah handed me a glass.

"Thanks," I was still weirded out by what he was saying earlier, but he offered to make me a smoothie to make up for it, and my pounding head couldn't refuse.

Connie was on the couch suffering, "Can you please just hurry up?"

I took a sip of the smoothie and groaned, "My head feels like it's about to explode."

Laurel spun in her chair and pointed her finger at me, "That's what you get for sneaking out and getting plastered."

"I was not plastered," I rolled my eyes.

"Sure looked like you were," Jeremiah whispered but I heard and shot him a glare.

I don't know why he cares so much that I was making out with someone when he was the one who ditched us for that group of girls.

It's not like he was jealous, right?

Sure, him and I have always been kind of flirty and I may have developed some feelings over the years, but he surely doesn't feel the same.

"Okay, seriously Steven, get out. This is delicate science, and your heavy breathing is going to break the yolk." Jeremiah pushed him away and I laughed at the two.

I got up from the table and walked to the couch Connie was laying on, flopping onto his legs, "You good?"

He didn't reply and just continued to plug his ears.

"Come on man, hurry your ass up. All right? I can't be late for my first day of work." Steven complained when Jere brought Conrad his drink.

I followed him back in the kitchen, forcing myself from the comfortable couch, "I can't believe you two dumbasses actually managed to get jobs."

Steven turned around slapping the back of my head, "Hey, just you wait until those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard. They won't know what hit 'em."

I fake gagged when he did that weird ass hip thrust thing he always does. Laurel sighed, "Steven, come on."

Jeremiah walked next to me and flung his arm around my shoulder, "What, Laurel, my boy's got to get that bread."

I kissed Belly on the cheek when she walked into the kitchen and Laurel started asking her about the bruise on her cheek.

I felt Jeremiah turn my shoulders towards him and he started scanning my features, "Hey, are you alright after taht guy shoved you." 

I felt my face burn with our close proximity, "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks, Jerebear." I pinched his cheek and pulled away.

He groaned and lightly slapped my arm, "I thought you ditched that nickname once we hit 12."

Cruel Summer, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now