"YOUR IN MY TERRITORY!!!" The mighty voice raged. "GET OUT!!!!"
I heart raced at my banging chest, sweat piled up on my forehead. I opened my eyes to the sight of the ground, but I was flying above it. I quickly realized that Belos had been carrying me over his shoulder.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Oh nowhere special," Belos answered smoothly. "But where do you suggest?"
"Don't tell me you were asleep through the entire thing..."
"...." He paused. "The house burnt down."
"WHAT?" I yelled.
"Yes, please don't panic." Belos pat me on the back. I let myself shut up for a while till my heart rate went down enough.
"Wait...Where's King?" I came aware of his absence. Belos sighed.
"I lost him a little while after the fire." He laughed. "But he's not dead."
I grinned and summoned my glass orb in front of me. I began to produce mist with my orb and soon the trail behind us was completely invisible. I got bored and said:
"Put me down!!" Belos followed I forced him to touch the orb and teleported us somewhere far, far away. I don't know where, when I cast the spell, the idea was vague. I hugged my orb and began an intense spell, the spell for creation. Creating things is hard enough, but what I was making was both heavy and hard.
"A house?" Belos gasped, opening the door and bursting inside. "You shouldn't use your magic so much."
"Shut up old man. I do whatever I want." I took a moment to catch my breath. "Do you like it?" The glint in my eyes hoped for approval.
"It's more than I can do." He shrugged. I gritted on my teeth.
"Say, why can't you cast magic?"
"None-ya." He responded plainly.
"Oh don't be like that!" I pulled on his ear, bringing his head to mine. "It's not like I can tell anyone." I whispered. He slapped my hand and exhaled sharply.
"Ever since my curse finally took over me, I don't know. I simply can't use magic anymore." He frowned. I laughed to myself.
"Damn that sucks." I spawned a cape and threw it at him. "But I'll tell you something you don't know."
"Hm?" I took a look at him. I had to make sure I wasn't going crazy. I could've sworn that ever since his curse disappeared, something about his face has been slowly mutating. He looked at me back with a child's face: innocent and confused. The pause lasted for a long time. I even think the sun went down faster.
"I think your getting younger."
"What?" He raced over to some random mirror and eyed himself in the face.
"Told you."
"But that can't be! How..." in the mirror behind us was the collectors "game." It sucked in everything in every direction. But trees going in, came out as seeds. I was going to tell Bel, but he was so captivated by his discovery. I kept my mouth shut.
"I'll try to spawn some food. You just sit back and try to get that magic spittin again." I headed to an empty room in the house. Even as I was the one who made it, I still didn't know the entire house. I placed the orb in front of me and pulled out the wood I saved. I began my signature altering spell.
I showed my hands in front of me and began my ritual. My hands instantly felt tingly, but the spell worked. I made a small cake! I smiled and rushed over to Belos.
"Bel Bel!" I called happily. "Look!"
The turned his eyes to it slowly. After a couple of staring, he snapped out of it.
"Your not planning to poision me, right?" He directed his eyes to mine.
"Oh course not!" I set the cake on the table. The kept on staring at me suspiciously. I eyed him back.
"Why don't you take the first bite?" He bowed and directed his arms to the cake. "Ladies first!" He mocked.
I was too lazy to spawn a knife and snatched a piece of the cake with my hand and shoved it in my mouth.
"...not bad..." I took another piece. I was about to eat it, but Belos caught my hand. His eyes widened and his breath was steady.
"Don't panic." He whispered slowly.
"What?" I blinked. "Is there a roach behind me?" I spun around, but the turn was overly difficult. I couldn't tell were was up and down. I dropped the piece or cake and saw my hands: bloody.
I stumbled onto my side and hung onto a chair.
"I-I swear I wasn't gonna poision you-"
"Shh!" He spoke softly. "I know!"Everything around me seemed as though having a filter above it. The contrast of colors was so low, I couldn't tell what was what." I looked down. My stomach had an entire hole in it.
"Dang it Belos!" I cursed. "Why did you have to make your palisman a human?" I complained.
"Nevermind that you're...." His eyes widened at me. "Negrain?"Photo:
Belo's never died
FantasyAfter the collector blasted Emperor Belos, most everyone was convinced that by the sight of the goo, most would assume he's dead. But remember, the collector taught Emperor Belos much about magic. Far away, Belos hides in an old house, where Negrain...