The begining

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I'm just gonna start writing so, warning, children don't be here, or do, since nothing might happen, I still don't know.

Main character name: Yuri, he is a boy.

His friends name: Adam, he is also a boy.

Yuri's crush: Stella, she is a girl.

Stella's rival: Carlo, he is a boy.

Yuri's mom: Cassandra, she's a milf.

Yuri's dad: gone to get the milk.

Adams father: Non-existent, he has two mother's.
(Adams adopted)

Stella's mom: Rebecca, she is ugly 👍💅

Stella's dad: child molester, this is the reason why she has daddy issues.

Carlos dad: he's a dilf, and his name is Brandon.

I'll get into the rest later, anyways starting with the story.

Yuri's POV:

Today was the day. Today was the day that I asked out my crush, Stella. I mean, who wouldn't have a crush on Stella? Stella was the popular girl in school, and she was beautiful (Me: just so you know I hate Stella so y'all can start hating on her now) she was the prettiest girl in school. Almost all the guys wanted to date her, even the lesbians liked her...I think. But today was the day! Ever since she picked up my pencil when I accidentally it dropped in class, I fell head over heals for her. She was so nice. Anyways, enough of thinking about it, I'm going to go ask her after I'm done with school. Oh right. School. I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet.

~skip to when Yuri is at school~

I was running late, daydreaming about Stella. I didn't care tho, since daydreaming about Stella, to me, was productive enough. I went into class, and everyone stared at me. I instantly froze. I looked around awkwardly. Ms. J looked at me and said, "your running late per usual again Yuri?" ..."yep.." I say awkwardly. "And what is your excuse this time?" Ms. J says rolling her eyes. I've practically been late since day one of school. "Uh I was daydreaming- I mean I was um-" as I stumbled for words, I heard small giggles from the back of the class. I put my head down in embarrassment, a bit red from being flustered. "Just sit in your seat Yuri." Ms J says to me bluntly. I awkwardly glance at the class as I start walking over to my seat, then suddenly before I knew it, I was falling down. "Dork" I heard someone say as I hit the ground. The whole class bursted in laughter while Ms. J was trying to settle everyone down. I quickly got up and walked over to my seat, my eyes pinned to the floor. It was best to ignore everyone.

~Time skip after classes it's now lunch~

I looked around the tables to see if I had known anyone. Nope. I have no friends actually, I'm kinda just a nobody in this school, but that's okay I don't mind. But I do get bullied a lot, although I never really tell my mom about it, but I still cry in her shoulder sometimes to "ease" the pain. Although, now that I think about it, there was this one boy that always tried to talk to me. Adam. Then I saw him sitting in an empty table and waving at me to come join him. So, seeming as I had nothing else to do, I joined him.

"Hey Yuri!" Adam says.

"Hey" I say back.

Adam: "So uh, how are you man?"

Yuri: "..I'm fine you?"

Adam: "I'm good too, thanks for asking"

Adam: "So this upcoming test, for math I mean, do you think you could help me with it"

Yuri: "is that all you wanted to talk to me about..?"

Adam: "oh! Sorry if you got the wrong idea, I actually just wanted to be friends"

"Friends..?" Yuri mumbled under his breath


It didn't seem like a bad idea.

Yuri: "sure we can be friends. And um I can help you with the math test"

Adam: "Awesome dude thanks! I owe you one!"

Yuri: "no problem"

Suddenly the lunch bell rang, and Adam passed me a piece of paper. "Here's my number, cya" he says. I grab the piece of paper and slip it into my pocket. Maybe having a friend isn't so bad..

Then when I thought everything was going well, three familiar people walked up to me as I was leaving the table. One of them, Chad, who was the leader of the group, pinned me against the wall. "Hey loser, how's it going? Miss me?" Chad says. He was the last person I wanted to see, I didn't even want to be near him. Nor did I miss him either. Chad is my ex boyfriend. (Yuri is bi) He only used me, while making me think it was "love." It was stupid how naive I was, but still. It makes me uncomfortable how he still pins me to the wall sometimes and says "hey babe miss me? Or hey loser miss me?" Or something along the lines of that.

"Oh please in your dreams Chad." I say bluntly. It was the truth. I would never miss him. Not over my dead body. He only glared at me, and then proceeded to punch me in the face. "Stupid, you know not to make remarks at me, otherwise your just gonna get hurt doll~" I hated when he called me that. I snapped and I hit him back, but I didn't punch him, I only slapped him. He let go of his grip from me. And I walked away. "Leave me the fuck alone" I say as I walk away. Chad didn't do anything, he just stood there as his "friends" went by his side to see if he was alright. I think I know why he didn't do anything. I never swear. And that caught him off guard. It made me laugh a bit.

~Time skip to after school~

I put the note in Stella's locker, hoping she would be here, there was a minute left untill the time I said to be here would start, so I was very nervous. Suddenly, I see Stella walking up here, and I wave twords her. "Stella! Over here!" I say yelling to her. She looks over at me, and starts running up to where I am, then stands a few feet away from me. "What's up? You wanted to meet me here right?" Stella says. "Yeah I did..uh I was wondering if..uh..I I could-" I struggled with the words. "Cmon just spit it out, I don't have all day you know" Stella says giggling a little. God her giggles were so cute. "So um I was wondering...would you like to be my girlfriend!?" I say shouting out loud. We stood there in silence before Stella finally said something. "OMG! I like totally like you too! I would love to be your girlfriend!" She says. It almost sounded sarcastic, but I didn't care. My dream girl just said yes to my confession, I was happy either way.

Check out the next part if your intrigued! It will be out in either like 30 mins to an hour or like a day or two.

Word count: 1218

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